12 JUNE 1852, Page 11



The reduotion of the interest upon French Treasury Bonds calmed an im- provement both in English and Foreign Funds. A momentary reaction occurred yesterday, when the threatened proceedings of the French Govern- ment with respect to the correspondents of the English newspapers in Paris became known. The market has resumed its firmness today, and the closing prices of Consols are 1001 101 for Money and 1014 for Account. The Bank Broker has been a large seller of Exchequer Bills, and a buyer of Three- and-a-quarter per Cents. The premium of the former Securities has conse- quently fallen from 3s. to 5s. per cent, while the price of the latter has ad- vanced in common with that of all the English Funds. The books of the Three per Cent Consols, and the other Stocks the dividends upon which be- come due in July, close today, and money transactions in them will not be resumed until the 6th of next month.

In the Foreign Market, a general disposition for investment has been ob- servable; and the prices of the better class of Dividend-paying Stocks have advanced from j to 11 per cent. The improvement in Dutch Two-and-a- half and Four per Cents has been more considerable ; these securities hay- ing.risen to the extent of from 2 to 21 per cent, in consequence of the firm- ness of the market in Amsterdam. Austrian Scrip has advanced in common with the other Foreign Stocks, and from 1 has risen to 2 premium, closing nominally this afternoon at 1 to 2i premium. The principal purchases made are said to have been on French. account. Spanish and Portuguese Stocks have advanced about k per cent ; but the transactions in the latter have been unimportant. Mexican Stook of both descriptions, though clos- ing this afternoon at an advance of about I per cent on the lowest quotation, is still about lf per cent lower than on Saturday. The amount of dollars brought by the last packet on account of the dividends was smaller than had been expected. A large amount of specie, which it had been impossible to ship on account of the weather, had been left behind ; but it did not appear whether any of it was on account of the Bondholders. A report had also been received at Vera Cruz of the breaking out of a revolution at Mexico: the date assigned was two days later than that of the letters by the mail ; and in the uncertainty thusyrevailing, it is not surprising that the price of the Bonds has declined. /so material change has occurred in the price of the South American Stocks. The demand for guano, which is reported to have arisen in France, gives confidence to the holders of Peruvian Stock.

The Railway Share Market, after being firm during the whole of the early part of the week, has improved today ; the inquiry for almost every descrip- tion of Shams being more general, occasioned doubtless by the firmness of the English Stock Market. The principal advance has occurred in the Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, which has risen since yesterday about 1/. The de- mand for French Shares continues ; and all of them except those of the Paris and Strasburg have advanced about 10s, per share. Business has been limited, on account of the small quantity of shares in the market.


Scarcely any business has occurred this morning in the English Funds. The books of the Consols being shut, that Stock is quoted at 991 1 ex di- vidend for Account—equivalent to a quotation with dividend of 101/ 1. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally firm at the closing quotations of yesterday; while Sardinian, Dutch, and Russian Stocks appear to be inquired for. The Railway Market is firmer ; the following are the principal trans- actions—East Lancashire, 171; Great Western, 92; Lances-hire and York- shire, 74 731; Leeds Northern, 16; London and North-western, 1221 1; London and South-western, 92; Midland, 671; North Staffordshire, 11; South-eastern and Dover, 201. 8A.TIIRDAY Two o'Crece.

The English Stock Market gave way slightly during the morning, to rally, however, at the close to the opening quotations, after being 991 1, Consols were last marked 991 ex div. for Account. Although the books are shut, bargains for Money have been affected in them by private transfer at 1001. The demand: for the better class of Foreign Stock still continuos. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents having been done at 105, and Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents at 64. No material change has otherwise occurred, as will be seen by the following list of actual bargains—Austrian Scrip, 11 2 Prem. ; Buenos Ayres, 721 73; Grenada Deferred, 91 1 ; Mexican Three per uents, 241 1; Peruvian Active, 104; Ditto Deferred, 6314; Portuguese Five per Cents 1824, 991; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 105 4/ 105 1041; Sardinian Five per Cents, 941 ; Spanish Passive, 5!; Ditto Three Eer Cents, 481; Ditto Deferred Three per Cents, 211 1 ; Venezuela, 40k; trench Four-and-a-half per Cents, 100.50; Exchange, 25.40; Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents, 64. The Railway Shares are firm, the following being the principal transac- hone—Aberdeen, 121 1 1; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 71; Bristol and Exeter, 97; Caledonian, 191 1; Eastern Counties, 91; East Lancashire, 171 18; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 301; Great Northern, 201f 1 21; Ditto Halt- shares B 6 per Cent, 151; Great Western, 921 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 74 31 41 4 ft; London and Blackwell, 8i ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 105 i ; London and North-western, 1221 1 1 ; London said South- western, 92 1 ; Midland, 671 11 681 68; North British, n; North Stafford- shire, 11 10k; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 191; South Devon, 181 1; South-eastern, 20/ 11; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 17H ; Ditto Extension, 12 I; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 61; -York aim: North Midland, 23/ f ; Buckinghamshire, 191 181; Hull and Selby, 112; London and Greenwich, 1051 1; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 25; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 151 f ; Namur and Liege, 61; West Flanders, 3; Lon- don Joint Stock, 181.

3_itto for Account per Cent Consols

D Cent 3 per Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock

fnsrIihaeSie Stock B ills k

Brazilian.5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents shut

1 I

1 102 1 61 15-16 2221 31 68 74 pm. 275 77 99 101 93 5 103 5 104 6

Danish 3 per Cents

Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican .5 per Cents Ditto 8 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824.

Russian .5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents 78 80 64 96 1101 31

103 105 99 101 113 115 1041 5 48 9 rit 1