12 JUNE 1886, Page 3

A somewhat serious quarrel has broken out between Austria and

Hungary. Some officers at Pesth recently placed a wreath on the statue of an officer who distinguished himself in "putting down" the Hungarians, and the Magyars were very angry. A Magyar journalist insulted the old Archduke Albrecht, and the students raised a riot against the officer, General Ja.nski, who had promoted the laying of the wreath. The Austrian Army took dire offence, and the Emperor was compelled to interfere. General Janski was directed not to enter Hungary, and the journalist was compelled to apologise ; but the riots are going on, and the soldiery have at last been ordered to fire. As the Emperor holds himself bound to protect the honour of the Army, the incident might be exceedingly serious ; but, for- tunately, the leading Hungarians are quieting their people. They know that the Empire must hold together, or its kingdoms will be absorbed in detail by Germany and Russia. This con- viction is the basis of the Emperor's power, but it does not suffice to prevent Austrians and Magyars fighting whenever they dare, in spite of the " dual " arrangement, which but for the Emperor would be unworkable.