12 JUNE 1909, Page 19


[TO TUE EDITOR OP ins ''SPECTATOR."] 81R,—May I be allowed to call the attention of your readers to the announcement which has, I believe, appeared in your adver- tising columns of a School of Theology which will he held in Oxford in September next from the lath to the 24th ? The object of the mooting is that men and women who are interested in the religious problems of the present time may have an opportunity of hearing some of those scholars who have made special studies in their own department of work. Among the lecturers are Professors Driver and Percy Gardner (Oxford), J. Hope Moulton (Manchester), R. Lake (Leyden), E. von Dobschatz (Strassburg), and Count Goblet d'Alviella (Brussels); Rev. Drs. Charles, Itashdall, and G. B. Gray ; Revs. G. Tyrrell and P. 11, Wicksteed ; Mr. R. R. Marett and Mr. C. C. J. Webb. The lectures will ho given in the Hall of Balliol College by kind permission of the Master and Follows.

The fee for the complete course, which embraces about fifty lectures, is .£1. Further information and tickets can be obtained from the secretaries, the Rev. A. J. Carlyle, University College, Oxford, and Rev. G, W. Thatcher, Mansfield College, Oxford.

Chairman of the Committee.

Manchester College, Oxford.