12 JUNE 1909, Page 19


[To TIM EDITOR OF ins "SPECTATOR:1 Sln,—The generous response made by your readers to the appeal you have so kindly inserted in the Spectator for the last two years has boon so valuable that I venture once more to ask you to let me state shortly the needs and advantages of the Women's Holiday Fund. We shall not be able to do nearly so much work this year as usual unless our kind friends rally round us again in consider- able numbers. The good done to the tired, hard-worked wives and mothers of London by a few days' change into fresh air, with nothing to do but enjoy themselves, must be seen to be believed. Those of us who take "just one week at Christmas and Easter, and "only about six weeks" holiday in the summer, no doubt find it hard to believe that two weeks can be a long holiday, or that one week is refreshment enough to keep many a woman in heart for the other fifty-ono weeks of the year. But this is a fact, and a touching ono. Some of the letters we receive show what lasting pleasure the sights and sounds of country life are capable of imparting to those who have but little opportunity of enjoying thorn. Will our friends spare a few shillings from their own holiday fund for ours P—I run, Sir, dre., HELEN A. POWNALL

(Chairman of Executive Committee, W. II. F.)

1'S.—Contributions, small or great, will be thankfully acknow- ledged by the treasurer, A. S. Daniell, Esq., Fairchildes, Waring- ham, Surrey ; the secretary, Miss Iviruy, /6 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. ; or by Mrs. Frank Powuall, 71r 13ickenhall Mansions, W.