12 JUNE 1915, Page 24


Arch (P. IL), Domestic Work for Rural School., or aro (1. Pitman) net 2/6 Baker (ELS.), Ship Form, Besiatan., and Screw Propulaion, 8ra (Constable) net W6 Brent (C. EL), Prisoners of Hope, and other Serino. (Long...) net 8/0

Burls (G. A. Aero Engine., 8vo (C. Griffin) net 8/6

Burnell (F. S.), Australia venni Germany, or 8vo (Allen &Malvin) net 3/8

Christensen (1). Politica and Crowd-Morality (Willianni A Norgate) net 716 Close( E.). The Roil of Honor, cr 8vo (A. Melrose) 810

Corr (A. L.). Commercial Geography, cr 8vo (Black) kg Dawe (C.), The Girl from Nippon, or 8vo (Ward A Lock) 6g) Dumas (A.), The Prussian Terror, cr 8vo (S. Paul 6;0 Edwards (W. H.), A Guide to the Indian Companies Act ...(T15 ker)ne 10/6 Fage (A.), The Aeroplane. 8vo (C. Grim not 6/0

Foulkes (H. D.), Anger. Manual: Grammar and Vocabulary (K. Pa01 net 7/6 Gardner (P.), The Ephesian Gospel. cr Sao (Williams A Kers.. net 5)0 Garrod (N. W.), A Book of Latin Ver., cr 8vo (Clarendon Press) 3/8

Hall (C. IL), Plant Life, 8vo (Black) net 20/0

Hamblin (B. A.), The Heart of Joanna, cr 8vo (Long) 8/0 Hamilton (Lord F.), The Holiday Adventures of Mr. P. Davo.nt, (Naar Bet 8vo

(Naet 223 Haverfield (F.); Roman Britain in 1914, roy Boo (H. Milford) net $66 Headiest (J. W.), The History of Twelve Days: July 24th to August 4th, 1914, 8vo (Tinwin) net 10/6 Hooker (B.), Poems), or 8vo (H. Milford) net 448 How.d (K.I, Merry-Andrew, or 8vo (Lane ) 6/0 Howley (J. P.), The Beothucks or Red Indians ...(Comb. Univ. Press) net 21;0 Hughes (M. L. V.), Citisens To Be, or 8vo (Constable) net 4/6 International Cries (The) in its Ethical and Poychologiral impede, by Various Author., Bra (H. Milford) not 3/6 Johnson (Ft Sir Francis Halsey, or 8vo (21.8.U.) 2/6

Legg (5. w. . On the Retention of the Word Obey in the Marriage Servir

of the Boo of Common Prayer, Boo (Gardner A Darken) net 2/8 Lindsay (W.), Bed Wino of Hnasaillni a Play, cr 8ra (Constable) net 5/0 Lipson (E.), Introduction to the Economic History of England : VoL I., The Middle Ages, 8vo (Black) net 7/8 Elacnicol (N.), Indian Theism, Bra (H. Milford) net 8)0

Magoth (8. 8.), Bible Essay for the Times, or See (Drams) 8/0 Maxim H. Defenralose America, Sao (Hodder A Stoughton) not 10i1 Maxwell (IL), Honour in Pawn. or 8vo (Long) GIG Mailer (J. P.), Ny Army and Navy System of Free Stimding Exercises, Boo

(Ew.t it Seymour) net 2)6

Norman (A.). °loose,' of Archaeolo , 2 vols., 12100 (Talbot) net 510 Notbomb (P.)„ The Barbarians in Be um, or Elvo (Jerrold)) net 319

Okie (H. P.), America and the German Peril, cr 8vo (Heinemann et 2;8 Page (GA Follow After, or 8vo (I1 t & Mao ett) 8/0

Powell . A.. The End of the Trail. Br (Allen & Unwin) net 12/6

Prince ). The Psychology of the Kamer, or fivo (Unwin) net 2/8

Richmond (0. S.), The Twenty-fourth of June, or 8ro (Allen A Unwin) 8/0 Robinson (r. H.), Paradigms and Exude. in Syriac Grammar, or Elvo (Clarendon Pres.) not 5/0 Rose IF. R.), Golden Glory, or Oro (Hodder ft Stoughton) WO

Saunders (C.. G.), Canine Medicine and Surgery, or Bra (Bailliere) not 1168

&minder. (W..7 .), The N.arene, or Elvo (Murray & Evenden) 610 Scott IE.). Thorne it Novel, or 85,0 (E. Macdonald) 6;0

Sedgefield (W. J.), The Place-Names of Cumberland and Westmorland.8vo

Spirit of the Allied Nations (The), or 8vo (LoZBILTti net 1Sg, Stevo.on (him. S.1. The Heart of Jainism, Rao (a. Word net 7/6 Stone (r,), Betty Wayside, or 8vo (Hodder &Stoughton) 610 Tynan (s.), The SquIre's Sweetheart, er 8vo (Ward A Lock) 6/0 Verhaeren (E.), Belgium's Agony, cr Boo (Constable) not as Wallace (E.), Kitchener'. Army and the Territorial Foreeo, 4to (Newnes) GPO Weever (L.), Ifemorial. and Monuments, 8vo (Sewn.) net 1566

Widdemer (M.), The Bowe-G.den. or 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 8/0 Wilts (H. J.), W. John Wycliffe • Negligent Pluralist ? oleo John De Tsarina : his Life and Work. 8ra (Longinus) net NO