12 JUNE 1926, Page 30

Sea Wake and Jungle Trail. - By H. Warington Smyth, C.M.G.

(Murray. 16s.) From beginning to end this is a really hearty book. The chapters on 'jungle-travel are en- thralling and the elephant stories such as the capture and ;education of Mom and the youthful pranks of Master ehom and Deng, together with the doings and sayings of their Siamese owners, can only be described as delightful. The Rajah and the Prior give their views on the English in a most 'illuminating chapter, which - should put the pessimist and little Englander to rout. There is, however, a grey powder hidden. in. the jam, which should have a, salutary effect on our insular complacency. The cruising yarns, which cover muelt of the Southern Seas, are as full of cheery humour as they are of hair -raising incident a backhand gale and the landing of General Botha's forces at Walfisch Bay are two prominent examples.