12 MARCH 1831, Page 13



The French journals of Thursday have been received this morning ; but they add little -to the information previously received. A private letter, given in a second edition of the Herald, states, that on Wednes- day night, a number of persons had assembled under the windows of LAFAYETTE with crape scarfs on their arms, and shouting " Down with the Russians ! down with the Cossacks ! long live Poland !" A few more violent partisans of freedom, who assembled near the Cham- bers, added to these cries that of " Down with the Deputies !" Marshal GERARD was reported to have left Paris for the Piedmontese frontier on Thursday morning, to assume the command in that quarter. CASIM lit PERRIER had not accepted office on Thursday, nor had any of the rumoured changes in the Ministry taken place. It was, however, con- fidently stated, that the Ministry would be immediately remodelled, if not entirely changed. The Three per cents. on Thursday left off at 52f. 73c.

Mr. HonnousE.—It is confidently stated that Mr. IloullousE has accepted the office of Secretary at War. The report has been ill circu- lation for some days. Mr. H OBII0 CSE is an able, active, industrious man ; he would be an accession of value to any Ministry.

We have had several queries submitted to us respecting the Reform Bill ; which we had purposed to answer in the most satisfactory way, by an abstract of its provisions. The delay in the introduction of it has precluded us from doing so. We shall next week give such an accurate report of it as will enable our correspondents to judge for themselves re- specting its working. There is one hint which, at this eleventh hour, we would throw out for Ministers —namely, to snake all corporate towns n future part of the county in which they are situated.