12 MARCH 1831, Page 13


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—This place has continued, during the week, to be the scene of many changes, and to exhibit every alternation of hope and fear in the minds of those whose lot it is to be interested iu Stock or Dividends.

On Monday, the price of Consols was about 76, and fluctuated during that day,

from 751 to 765; as was also the case on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the price fell to 741 ; and at the opening of yesterday's market was at 741, but afterwards advanced to 754. This morning, the first price was 75i, the next 751, then 765, and afterwards 75j. To detail the endless variety of rumours which have been cir- culated in order to account for these fluctuations, would be an idle task; but we may lie permitted to observe, that the minds of the people here are seldom occupied long by one subject, and that the all-engrossing topic of Reform has now given way to that of the agitations of the French Stock Market, where priCes have fallen lower than ever, and occasion very serious apprehensions respecting the financial situation of the Government.

It appears that the French Three per Cents. had fallen on Tuesday last to 51.60, but closed on that day at 13.10. Here, they have been done to-day at 53 in the morn- ing, but towards the afternoon, a small amount was sold, which fetched not more than 50.

Of our own Market, it may be said, that the public are all buying Stock for in- vestment, and the speculators all selling Stock to be delivered on a future day, in the hope of buying it back before then at lower prices. This state of things has caused an extraordinary scarcity of Stock, and led to one of those anomalies which sometimes occur here,—namely, that Stock for money is nearly a quarter per cent. dearer than Stock for a distant day ; a fact quite the opposite of what is usually the case. Our own impression is, that our Funds have seen their lowest—Laming a war in which this country shall be moiled. A war on the Continent, in which we re. mained neutral, might depress prices for a time, but not permanently.

In the Foreign Market, the principal business has been in Russian Bonds; which have been at 565 two days ago, and to-day fur a moment at 895, but now 885. Brazil Bonds about 074—the other South American Bonds a dead letter. Spanish fell on

Monday from IS to lff, and since to 15 ; but are creeping up again, and are now 165. The Share Market is as flat as can be.

SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELVE.—Consols have been buyers and sellers alter- nately at 75d all the morning, and but very little business doing.

Bank Stock — Buenos Ayres... — Spanish 16

3 per Cent. Red. — Chilian 20 21 Ditto, New 3 per Cent. Cons. 751 a 5 Colombian ..... 155 165

33 per Cent. New 841 .. 571 585

Consols for Acct. 754 4 j Greek....... — Bolanos —

hong Annuities — Mexican ....... 355 36 Brazilian . - Ex. Bills, 10001. 18 Peruvian ....... 135 145 Columbian ... . - India Bonds — Portuguese ..... 42 44 Angloalexican . . 57 5 Russian .. 89 5 United Mexican —