12 MARCH 1831, Page 9


LORDS Monday till f DOAIMONS....Mpialay till Til -'Tuesday • t 1.1 Ilrednesday p.5 :Wednesday

Thursday } Friday

NOTICES OF. MOTIONS,, 6° it) 0 n Friday p. 1 n s OF TOE DAY, FOR T

Exsuiso .

Mown.tv. Getters of the Day-1. Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill-See,n1 reading. . 2- Heritable Infeftments (Scotland) Bill-Further Consideration of Report. 3. Interpleader Bill-Committee. 4. Witnesses Examination Bill-Committee. 5. Prohibition and Mandamus Bill-Committee. 6. Arbitration Bill-Second reading. 8. Building Act Amendment Rill-Farther CODS1f.4:ratiOD of Report. S. Blatt Dis- tillation (Ireland) Bill-Committee. 9. Liability of Landlords Bill-LFurther con- sideration of Report. 10. is, Bill-Further consideration of Report. 11. Ves- tries ;Ireland) Bill-Second Reading. 12. Canada Lands Bill-Second reading. 13. Defaulters OD Friday last to be reported. 14. Celonial Trade ee. 15. Trade uith Briti,li Possessions Abroad-Committee thereupon. Di. Way,. and Means-Repo:I. 17. Ways and ..Means-Cominittee. Corporati _Valais Bid-, Committee. 19. Emigration 13111-Secozatreading. S. Coal Duties Repeal Bill- Committee. 21. Supply-Committ cc. • 22. Tower Hamlets Militia Bill-Commit- tee.• 23. Canadian Revenues Rill-Seer:lel reading. 2;. Customs: Duties Acts- Committee thereupon. .25. Cotton Factory Apprentices ii 1 - Second reading. 2G. Tallow Candle Duties - Repeal Bill - Second reading. Notices of iliotions1. Sir John Newport-State of the First Fruits Fund in lre:and. 2. Mr. Robinson- . AddresF for copy of the decision of the King of Hell and e,ocerning. the Immidary question on the North-west coast of America. 3. Dlr. AI1 `racy-General-Conside- ration of the petition of Mr. Peter .WrLdit, relating to the postponement of the Huaresborotigh election ballot. .6,1:1,aman lion from lier- chants'and ship-owners of Loini.th, against proposed in 'the thither ditties. 5. Mr. Bankes-British Museum estimates Committee of Supply.' 6. Mr. Williams Wynn-Arm)' estimates--In Committee of Supply- TUESDAY. Notices .11,tiflaS-1. Mr. Wyse-To submit to the House a Notion relative to Education in Ireland,. whim a view to the nreater.ditfasion of its advan- tages, and the better all,,cation of the funds appropriated for its summit. 2. Dlr. Greene-Bill to authorize Exchanzes of the Lanus and other possessions of certain Ecclesiastical Corporations. 3. Mr Guest-Select Committee, to whom shall be referred the account of all Pensions payable out of the Civil List, with a view to the continuance of such Pensions only as shall have beep granted for services performed, or fur which satisfactory special grounds shall be stated. 4. Mr. Gisburne-lie- turn of the date of all Diplomatic and Consular Pension:, whether included or not . included in the Return of Civil and Military Offices ; with the date of appoint. ments, and length of service, of the several persons receiving st.ch 1'ellSi4/11S. 5. Sir. Grattan-Cope of Memorial to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from Parishioners of the Union of Il'icklow:-Also, to present Petition from the said Union. Orders of the Lb, y-I. Pontefract Election Petithin-Ballot fur Committee at three. 2. Peterstieid Election Petition-Rallot for Committee at live minutes after three. 3. 1`.Iaidstune Election Petition-Ballot for Committee at ten minutes after three. 4. Nantes of Members absent to be set aside. 5. Il,mse to he called over. 6. Frauds on Creditors Bill-Secoild Reading. 7. -Suits in Common Law CoUrtsBill-Second Reading. 8..1tomait Catholic Charities' 13111-Second Reading. 9. Dean Forest Boundaries Bill-Second Reading. 10. Waterloo-Bridge New Street Bill-Second Reading. WEDNESDAY. Notices of Natieins-1. Mr. Sykes-piii to alter the Law of Set- tlement,.as far as. respects apprenticeship to the Sea Service. 2. Mr. Frankland Lewis-Bill to niter and amend the Laws alleeting the iinportation and sale of Coal in London and the districts adjoining.' 3. Sir. Stuart Wortley-]sill to regulate the fees and emoluments of Officers of the Supreme Cmfrts in India. 4. 'Slr John Newport-To refer to a Select. Committee,' Report. of Comhi

insioners of Judicial

I nimiry in Ireland, on the subject of the Prerogative Court. Orders ".! the Day-1. Canine Madness .13111Cummittee. 2. Evesham Disfranchisement 1341-;--Second Reading ; Witnesses to attend. , THURSDAY. notices ref MotionN-1: Colonel Davies-Select Committee 'on the best mode of giving Efficiency to Secondary P.In;iments. 2: Mr. Curteis*-13111 to repeal the Ditty on -Malt. 3. Sir William Hoe-Bill to fadlitatethetransferelice of Heritable Securities for Debt in Scotland. 4. Mr. Smiler-Bill for bettering the con- dition of the Labouring Poor of England Connected with certain impiovenients in the administration of the Poor Laws.. Orders al fix Day-1. Colchester-Election Petition-Ballot for. Committee at three. 2. Galway Town and Borough Election Petitimi-BallOt for Conon ittee at five minutes after thre, 3. Liverpool Election Petition-Ballot for Comniittee at ten minutes after three. 4. Money Payment of Wages Bill-Committee. FRIDAY. Ordcrs qlthe Day-1. Statute of Frauds Amendment Bill-Second read- ing. 2. Attestation of Instruments Bill-second reading. :3. Stamp Duties Acts- Committee thereupon. 4. Oaths before Lord Steward Bill-Committee. 5. To- bacco Urawth Prohibition Bill.-Second reacting. Xetires r,r ilorionsl. Mr. Hume -That it is the opinion of this !loose, that the honorary offices 'of the Corps of Royal Marines should be filled by Alarine Officers:. '2. Lord Viscount Altliorp- Bill for the consolidation of the Stamp Duties.

1 P. 9