12 MARCH 1853, Page 9

A decree by the Emperor of the French, issued yesterday,

appoints the opening of the Exhibition of Industry of All Nations for the 18t of May 1855, and directs its close in the September following.

It is now quite confidently reported in Paris that Pio None will leave Rome shortly after Easter, for the Imperial coronation, and that he will be domiciled at Compiegne.

Marshal St. Arnaud, who has been ill for some days, left Paris on Thursday ; and the general impression was that he would not return in the capacity of Minister at War. Thus, for the first time since Decem- ber 1651, the famous War Minister of the coup d'etat is without actual power.

The Marquis de Lavalette arrived at Paris yesterday, on his return from Constantinople.

The Moniteur of yesterday has a long article on the imprudent conduct of the Restoration and the Monarchy of July in constantly augmenting their expenditure, beyond their income, aud boldly promises that the forthcoming budget shall balance—" shall be a truth."

It was reported at Genoa on the 7th instant, that King Ferdinand of Naples had been shot at ; and that it was necessary to cut off his leg. This "requires confirmation."

In opposition to the Spanish Ministry, the Senate have appointed a Committee to consider the demand of Marshal Narvaez to be admitted to the Senate or brought to trial.

According to the latest accounts, the Turks bad suspended hostilities against Montenegro. The terms of Count Leiningen's demands were— the removal of the refugees and renegades from commands in the army of the frontier ; the admission that no Turkish ships should touch at Klech and Sutorina, and that the sea was Austrian ; a commission to inquire into the oppression of Austrian subjects in Bosnia and Herzegovina ; the pay- ment of a large indemnity [4,000,000 piastres] for wrongs done them ; and the reestablishment of the status quo ante in Montenegro.