12 MARCH 1864, Page 24

S21pLove and the Morals of the Future. By 0. F.

Routh. (W. Free- man).—In this well-written and temperate, though rather dull pamphlet, the utilitarian theory of morals is advocated. The only foundation of natural morality, says Mr. Routh, is self-love, or the regard which a man has for his own happiness during the whole period of his existence, and natural morality is the proper preparation of the mind for the re- caption of the nobler sentiment of religion. At present teachers dis- dain to make boys moral unless they can ground their morality on the highest motives, but those who are deaf to such appeals might yet have listaned to the voices of worldly shame, prudence, and self-love ; and when decency of conduct is once attained many of the motives which estrange human beings from Christianity vanish at once. "Man's actual nature and constitution," says Mr. Routh, "must be studied and consulted as the first step to his spiritual elevation."