12 MARCH 1892, Page 17


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Sricraros."] SIR,—In the leading article in the Spectator of March 5th, you state that the collier's wages are about 25s. a week. This is considerably below the actual fact. During the past three weeks (which are not exceptionally high), the average earnings of the coal-getters at these collieries was 8s. a day,-8 X 6 = 48s. a week. Those who chose to lose a day a week, of course would only earn 22. Labourers and trammers (young men who assist the coal-getters) earn about 4s. 6d. a day plus 40 per cent.,—say, 6s. 3d. Boys, from 18.6d. to 2s. 6d. If, there- fore, a coal-getter works six days, he should earn 22 8s. ; if he has a son of twenty and another of sixteen at home, this would be increased by (trammer at Be. 31) 21 17s. 6d. and (boy at 2s.) 12s.,—making a total weekly sum coming into one house of 24 17s. 6d. House-rents are about 4s. 6d. a week; coal he obtains at a reduced price.—I am, Sir, &c., GEO. BLAKE WALKER, Managing Director.

Wharnclife Silkstone Collieries, near Barnsley, March 8th.

[We gave what we believe to be the men's own estimate. The average, we fancy, includes large numbers who are not coal-getters, but the difference between the wages of a steady worker and the average wage is in all trades very marked. That habit of counting a family's earnings as a man's wages is very silly.—ED. Spectator.]