12 MARCH 1904, Page 1

The policy of the Japanese in Korea is becoming clear.

They intend neither to conquer nor to annex the great peninsula, but to govern it as the British govern Egypt. The country is already occupied by Japanese troops, and the Marquis Ito, the leading statesman in Japan, has been sent to Seoul with a staff, which includes a Commander-in-Chief -and an Admiral, to arrange all details of administration. The "Emperor" of Korea apparently accepts his new position as Khedive quite easily, and the Koreans, who are frightfully oppressed by their native Government, will probably not resist. In this way the statesmen of Tokio will in a short time obtain complete control of the resources of Korea with- out awakening dangerous diplomatic complications. If the Japanese win, they will apply the same system with modifica- tions to China, ruling her Court, but respecting her "integrity," -and never annoying the commercial States by departing from the policy of the "open door." The Mikado and his advisers may then gradually become masters for defence of the entire resources of the Mongol world, which, if they were only wisely managed, would be found to be Ivry great. At present the -Chinese Court is strictly neutral, but all accounts represent the Chinese, including the Mandarin class, as ill-disposed to Russia, and, as appears from Admiral Alexeieff's proclama- tions, there is real dread of a popular explosion in Manchuria. It is even asserted, but it may be false, that the Japanese have succeeded in arming and conciliating the " brigand " tribes of the vast province, who fight well, and are greatly dreaded by both Russian and Chinese officials. It must be remembered, however, that of what occurs in Manchuria we have no independent accounts, and that it is the interest of quite a mass of officials to conceal the facts, as well as to deceive the side to which they are hostile.