12 MARCH 1904, Page 17

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE, — In your issue of

February 20th Mr. Parry asks : "What is the origin of the phrase, the man in the street' P" He gives an example of its use as far back as 1831; but the phrase seems to be very much older. In the prefatory epistle to Samuel Rutherftud's "Survey of the Spiritual Antichrist," published in London in 1648, the following sentence occurs:— " M. Del then to some purpose, as a man in the streets might have said of men of these times, what he most unjustly and calumniously saith of the reverent Assembly of Divines, if they approve not his Familieme." It is hardly necessary to explain that Rutherfurd was Professor of Divinity in St. Andrews, and William Del was one of the preachers of the Army in England.—I am, Sir, &c., D. HAY FLEMING. St. Andrews.