12 MARCH 1921, Page 2

Strictly, of course, domestic servants, since they do not come

under the Unemployment Insurance Act, are not entitled to benefits, but during the war thousands of women, who had been domestic servants, or who in ordinary circumstances would have become domestic servants, worked in factories. For that reason they now draw unemployment pay though they actually

profess to her seeking domestic engagements. The description "non-resident domestic servant" is something of a fraud. It has been invented for the-occasion. There is no organization of non- resident domestic service. The nearest approach to such an organization is the great army of charwomen who, as they pleasantly say, come in " to oblige " us when they are wanted. Yet non-resident domestic service is now spoken of as though it were a professional reality. A woman who calls herself a domestic servant but refuses decent conditions in a comfortable home has.no claim whatever upon the half-ruined taxpayer.