12 MARCH 1927, Page 18



The distribution of the scriptures in all parts of the won last year by the British and Foreign Bible Society total! 10,452,733 copies—figures which are much in excess of those f the previous year—but since the War the heavy increase printing and other charges has necessitated the Society bean a larger proportion of the outlay in order that the Bible, New Testament or the Scripture portions should not be issu at prohibitive prices. As a consequence the Society has I) to face deficits during the last two years of over 154.000. a if the work is to be maintained an increase of income is essenna The committee point out that by the addition of 25 per en to the revenue further debt will be avoided. In order to .

this happy result new subscribers are desired and will welcomed.—Jomsr H. RITSON and C. H. K. Rot-cure

146 Queen Victoria Street, E.C.


With reference to Sir William Beech Thomas's remarks the cuckoo in the 'Spectator of 5th inst., it may interest bun know that the cuckoo was heard here on the morning February 24th- and also in The Hermitage of Braid on t south side of the Blackford Hill here on March 8rd.—Asn" HENDERSON, Lindenlee, 63 Braid Avenue, Edinburgh.

* Fuga or Fugo, fugare in the sense of legal banishment :- - Cie., de Or. 33.9.

Off. 2.6.20. a., P. 2.8.68.

1,1 3.5.21 (nisi me 'ilea mum fagamet).

Tac., Ann. 14.64. „ Agr. 45, seen