12 MARCH 1927, Page 47


Johnson. Illustrated by Alexina Ogilvie. Preface

Y Philip Gosse. Vol. 2. (Cayme Press. 30s.)-It is a little nth' to see so much good print and paper expended on a issue of Johnson's not very succulent narrative, in which Mc, murder and sudden death, treachery -and brutality are hronicled with wearisome iteration. However, for those at have the taste for pirates, here is the nearest thing to

tst-hand acquaintance with the gentry. Captain Roberts rovides about half the material. Lowther, Low, Evans and few more offer shorter discourses, but neither more nor less eying. Included with this second volume are three repro- etions of original plates from Johnson's first edition, which, they belong more properly to the first volume, are left loose. e book would have some considerable interest for students

r West African history. That coast was one of their chief rts and the story of Captain Lowther and his military ally, larwley, illustrates conditions at the Gambia in the year 1721,

°en governor and captain found themselves as they thought

overswayed and borne down by the Merchants and Factors" and so the Captain went a-buccaneering, in sheer disgust inst these " Mechanick`-FellosSs".""