12 MARCH 1937, Page 21


[To the Editor of Tux SPECTATOR.]

Edward Elliott, J.P., in a letter published in the Kent Messenger, says he thinks the statements of Lord Northbourne and the Dean of Canterbury, that millions of our people are underfed, a libel on our country, and should be either substantiated or withdrawn.

On behalf of my fellow-sufferers I give my weekly budget below. I am workless, aged 64, and my sole income 12s. weekly poor relief : s. d.

Rent, one room 6 o No cooking or heating Drink—water only ..

Corporation bath .. 3

Clothing S

Candles, matches, soap, &c. 6 Laundry 7.

Food .. 4 o.

12 0

Today's dietary, bread 2d. ; meat pie, 3d. ; beetroot, 2d.

—Yours, &c., A. E. MINION. 3o Union Street, Maidstone, Kent.