12 MARCH 1954, Page 38



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Two prizes art awarded each week - a book token for one guinea On& * copy of the De Lure edition of Chambers's Twentieth CO- fury Dictionary. These win be awarded ta the senders of the first two correct solution, opened after noon on Tuesday week Starch 23rd, and addressed: Crossword 773, 99 Gower St., London, W.0.1. Solution Mgt be on the form here printed. The solution and the names of the whiners Will brt Published in the



Soar on, Brutus. (Anag.) (12.) The apartment you kindly provided is rather windy. (9.) " 0 - Love, half angel and half bird " (Browning). (5.)

Sa chanson, c'est " La Wt.." (6.) Girl in silk. (8.)

Circular. (10.)

So let It be I (4.) To be found in the ladies' pylama department. (4.)

Is a cab idle for the general ? (10.) The shoemakers jettison their equip- ment. (8.) Buckinghamshire poet. (6.) The china is almost covered by the heraldic device. (5.) 16. A lion gone wrong I (9.) 17. " That ache, penury and - can lay on nature " (Shakespeare). (12.)




4. The mark of the beast. (5.) Shakespeare's strength Is in this. (4.) Here's richness I (8.)

4. Perched on a monument with the others in a rag. (10.) 8. " Sometimes with secure delight the - hamlets will invite " (Milton). (6.) 6. That's nothing to do with it. (9.)

7. Disc-Jockey's asides. (3, 3, 6.)

10. Proverbially less painful at the receiv-

ing end. (12.)

13. Heavy necklaces. (10.)

15. Head of Cornpositae. (9.)

17, Philosopher born to guide. (8.) 20. " . . won't," says the singer. (6.) 23. I'm a host In Myself. (5.) 24. " The - on my left and the dawn on my right " (Benue). (4.)