12 MARCH 1965, Page 15

John Bull's Six Counties

figure of the British Unionist majority th Northern Ireland presented by Sir Knox Cun- ningham, MP, must be seen against this political background:. (I) gerrymandered electoral boundaries; (2) mass impersonation of voting resulting in several thousand forged Unionist votes at the last election, revealed by the finding of a secret dossier now in the hands of the Home Secretary, Sir Frank Soskice;

(3) the denial of industries to known nationalist and Labour areas in Northern Ireland, which accounts for the remarkable fact that this section of the community forms over two-thirds of Northern

Ireland's emigrants and unemployed; (4) the in- famous 'company vote,' by which if one has a business concern above a certain valuation one may have three, sometimes five, votes at a general election, and since the British Unionists have 80 per cent of big business all sewn up_ for themselves in Northern Ireland, it follows, as a corollary, that they have all the voting power too.

May one suggest that an impartial commission of inquiry would appear to be long oy.erdue?