12 MAY 1849, Page 7


The death of the Honourable Edmund Knox places the bishopric of Limerick at the disposal of Ministers. Bishop Knox died on Thursday week, at the Railway Hotel in. Birmingham, from inflammation of the lungs, brought on by cold. He was the youngest son of the late Viscount Northland, and uncle to the present Earl of Ranfurley. He was in the seventy-seventh year of his age.

The cattle-fair at Ballimaloe, on Monday, is described by the corre- spondent of the Dublin Evening Mail, as" the most disastrous that has ever taken place in any country. No beasts sold but at a ruinous sacrifice, and the greater part driven home without a bid having been made for them.

Such as were disposed of were sold fully 2/. pe; head under the prices of this day twelvemonth."

Peter M'Court, an aged man, who by a life of penury had saved some score pounds, reared a hovel in the gully of a mountain-watercourse in the pariah of Errigle, county Monaghan, and before be died told his neighbours that he should leave 301. in trust for his niece Catherine. At his death, Catherine M'Court suc- ceeded to his hovel, and took Kitty Trainer to live with her as a companion. On Tuesday week, these two went together to Glenmore for Catherine's money, and returned at eve. In the morning they were found dead by the hearth-side, and it seemed as if they had been burnt to death. Their legs and arms were consumed, and much of the body of each; and the hair and face of each was burnt. But on examination it was found that their skulls had been cleft with several wounds, such as only a sharp instrument could make; and that their throats bore marks of strangulation. They had been murdered and set on fire, and it seemed only accidental that the hovel had not been burnt down over them. Blisters on their necks showed that they had been set on fire while insensible, but still alive. A Coroner's Jury returned a verdict of " Wilful murder against some persons un- known." Five relatives of Catherine M'Court have since been arrested on sus- picion.