12 MAY 1855, Page 6

At (Lauri.

THE records of the Court this week tell more of gayeties than business ; the chief incident being a state ball at Buckingham Palace, on Wednes- day. Upwards of sixteen hundred persons were invited, and there was a very general attendance. The Queen opened the ball with the Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha, at ten o'clock. The Promenade Gallery, where the guests obtained refreshments, was illuminated from without by means of gas-light passing through a ceiling of ground glass. A profusion of roses in golden vases were placed on the tables of the supper-room.

The Queen held a levee yesterday, at St. James's Palace. There were no fewer than five hundred presentations. In the evening, her Majesty, Prince Albert, and the Royal Children, witnessed the performance of a pantomime at Drury Lane Theatre by the gentlemen amateurs of the Fielding Club ; the profits of the performance to be devoted to the Wel- lington College.

Her Majesty, Prince Albert, and the Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg, visited the exhibition of the French School of Fine Arts, and the Olym- pie Theatre, on Monday, and the Polytechnic Institution on Thursday. The list of the Queen's guesti includes the Princess of Hohenlohe Lan- genburg, the Princess Adelaide and Prince Victor of Hohenlohe, the Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha, tho Duchess of Sutherland, M. and Madame Van de Weyer, and the Earl and Countess of Morton.