12 MAY 1860, Page 10



The English Stock Markets have experienced considerable fluctuation this week, consequent chiefly upon the liquidation of the Consol Account on Wednesday and -Thursday. Consols after opening heavily on Monday at 951 1, declined late in the day to 95 95k; on Tuesday a recovery took place of j per cent, owing to purchases to close old accounts, business being mostly confined to the settlement. On Wednesday, dulness was again ap- parent; and, although it was confidently expected the Bank Directors would reduce the minimum rate of interest, and the Money Market daily becoming easier, the aspect of political affairs at home, as well as abroad, had the greater weight, and a reaction of more than per cent has since occurred— Consols for June being now quoted 95f buyers only, after having reached 951. Upon its becoming known yesterday, that the Bank rate was reduced from 5 to 41 per cent, the effect upon the Markets was only temporary, a general flatness prevailing almost immediately. afterwards. Today business has been very quiet, the tendency being towards lower quotations. Reduced and New Three per Cents, 931 931; Bank Stock leaves off, 226 228; and India Ditto, 1061 1061. Money has been in tolerable demand, but rates on short loans have been easy. In the Foreign Market there has been less activity, except in Turkish Stocke, which are heavy at 76 761 for the Old Six per Cents, and 61 61k for the New. There has also been a good amount of business in Spanish, the latest quotation this afternoon being 48 48k; Portuguese, 451 45f ; Bra- zilian, 90f 91k; Peruvian Bonds are stationary, the Four-and-a-half per Cents are 92 93; Ditto Three per Cents, 691 70k; Ditto Uribarren Four- and-a-half per Cents, 8384; and the Dollar Bonds, 80 82; Mexican has varied about f per cent, leaving off 211 211; Buenos Ayres, 85 87; Ditto Three per Cents, 24 25 ; Venezuela Three per Cents, 26 27 ; Russian steady, 107 109; Sardinian, 85f 86k ; and Victor Emmanuel, 96 97; Chilian Six per Cents, 104 106; Chilian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 8587; other things are merely of nominal value. Grenada Active, 15 16; Ditto Deferred, 4k4. Railway shares have been dealt in only to a limited extent, both English and Foreign ; increased English traffic returns and cheaper money being neutralized by the unfavourable aspect of European politics. The princi- pal figures are as follows :Caledonian fiat, without any business, 90f 91k; South-Eastern and Dover, 861 9.71 London and Brighton firm, 114 115; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 421 42f ; Great Western, 691 691; London and North-Western steady, 104 102: Chester and Holy- head, 511 51k; North British, 611 621; London and South-Western, 92 931 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1011 1051. The next settling is fixed for Wednesday 16th.

The demand for money in the Indian Market has kept prices dull, East Indians being last quoted 1011 102; Great Indian Peninsula, 99f par ; Madras, 98 99; Bombay and Baroda, 97 98; there is scarcely a bargain doing. French Shares are flat, through a falling off in traffic and continental politics generally. Northern of France, 381 39; Paris and Lyons, 34 34k; Paris and Strasburg, 231 241; Lombardo-Venetian shares are especially heavy at 11 11 premium. French Rentes are telegraphed from Pans 70f. 55c. at two o'clock, showing an additional decline of per cent since the morning. Operations have been few and unimportant in Joint-Stock Bank Shares. Unions have fluctuated about 1 per cent, closing 25 26; other things sta- tionary. City, 7274; London and Westminster, 60 62; London and Joint- Stock, 3334.


Markets are generally flatter. Consols being quoted 94/ 5f for Money, and 95/ 1 for the Account. Political rumours, and small realizations on the [part of -the public, have effected a reduction which is felt also in the Share and Foreign Markets.