12 MAY 1860, Page 7


There seems to be some truth in the report that the Pope is recruiting in Ireland. The _Dublin Mail has the following intelligence in reference to a new phase in the emigration mania :—

" It is currently reported, and as currently believed, thatwithin the last fort- night between 400 and 500 young men—a few of them belonging to the respect- able trade classes—have left Ireland en route to Rome, with what ulterior ob- ject the reader can readily surmise. The great majority of the recruits are said to have been picked up in Cork, Kerry, and North Tipperary, the minority being composed of Dublin men. Through some mysterious agency, each recruit has had the "good fortune to have received a sum of 131. 15s.—not, of course, by way of bounty or smart-money, but merely to cover the necessary expenses of a visit to the eternal city."

Two abduction cases have been disposed of. Two aunts, one Protestant the other Roman Catholic, contend for the possession of the Henrys. The law courts have decided that they have no jurisdiction. There is talk of appealing to Chancery. In the case of the Murphys, Mr. Corr of Donny- brook, has shown that he acted under the will of the late Murphy. The widow was ignorant of the clause in the will confiding the children to Mr. Corr. The case is at an end ; Mrs. Murphy being allowed to see the children, on condition that she does not interfere with their religious be- liefs.

The Court of Queen's Bench, strongly condemning the conduct of Ifigtob- bins, the kidnapper of the Sherwood children, granted an immediate at- tachment against him. Two women, with whom the children were left by 1.1 ‘Robbins, and from whom they were taken "by a man in a covered car," have also been attached and committed to prison for making false state- ments.