12 MAY 1894, Page 2

The division on the second reading of the Budget Bill,

which had been looked forward to with great interest, resulted on Thursday night in the victory of the Government by 14 Totes. The whole of the Parnellites voted or paired against the Government. All the Anti-Parnellites supported the Ministry by vote or pair, except Mr. Finucane, who was absent from illness. Three Gladstonians were absent, TM- paired, and one Gladstonian, Mr. Saunders, voted against the Bill. All the Unionists paired or voted against the Bill except Mr. Courtney, who abstained. The result was that the normal majority of 35 was reduced by 21 votes. So great, however, were the fears of defeat entertained by the Glad- stonians, that the bare fact of a majority has been treated as a ground for congr4ulation.