12 MAY 1894, Page 24

Although the May number of the Sunday at Home cannot

be described BB an outstanding one, its contents are varied, including papers on such different subjects as "Christina Rossetti," "Dr. Stoughton's Recollections," and "Sunday in Chelsea." In two papers justice is done to that indefatigable writer and devoted missionary, "A. L. 0. E." ; and readers of Mr. W. H. Dawson's remarkable volumes, "Germany and the Germans," will do well to consider carefully "Glimpses of Religious Life in Germany." In this paper we are told, among other things, that while "Many good old customs are less and less observed" and "Family prayer is not so common as of yore," yet, "on the other hand, the Christian doctrine of Altruism has come once more to the front, and the many noble institutions and works of beneficence and salvation, inaugurated during recent years, are striking illustra- tions of the piety and devotedness of many Christian people at the present day."