12 MAY 1906, Page 17



SIR,—In your review of Mr. Haw's book in the Spectator of April 28th under the above title, you say you are impatient at my "extreme sacerdotalism." It is only fair to note that my object was to consider how far the High Church move- ment had affected the working classes. I could not do this without describing the actual state of things as it is in the Church of the present day. I am sorry it makes you impatient, but I do not see how I could have discussed the problem without saying something that somebody would not like. My own opinions are no doubt worthless, but I venture to think that the opinions which I gathered at the end of my article from representative " Ritualists" are well worth recording even at the risk of producing impatience. It is best to know the worst that can be said.—I am, Sir, &c., [Father Adderley writes with so much patience of our im- patience that we cannot but ask leave to withdraw a word which seems to him unjust.—ED. Spectator.]