12 MAY 1923, Page 15

THE CENTAURS. Tan silken horses chafe and shift Under the

falling chestnut petals, Tossing aloft cream-foamy crests. A fine rain slants, the blown dust settles.

The silken horses leap at last, Are curbed, released, recurbed, requickened Like swift rain slanted from the hills Or thin beams before clouds have thickened, They flow down the hill's flowing breast. Leap now the horses into meadows, Through waves of grasses plunge and slide Bearing their riders light as shadows.

The riders with the heaving shapes Inblent wade through the grassy surges In centaur-wise, lift glittering eyes

Nearing the salt sea's hoary marges.

The salt sea blossoms whiter fall, Wilder the waves of the salt sea meadows. Horses and horsemen centaur-wise Plunge and vanish sudden as shadows.