12 MAY 1923, Page 3

In the House of Commons on Monday the Special Constables

Bill, which provides for the continuation of the force created during the War, was discussed as amended in Standing Committee. The Labour Party once more hotly attacked the Bill as tending to procure the very class warfare which people outside the Labour Party were always denouncing. Many Labour speakers said in effect that a Faseisti- movement was evidently being organized and that if it were persisted in counter- movements would be necessary. Mr. Jack Jones, who became for the time being the champion of the regular police and ex-Service men, declared that the special constables' would be " a blacklegging force." The right thing to do, he said, would be to add to the ordinary police if more were needed, and there were 860,000 ex-Service men who would be glad to join the force. But instead of that the Government wanted " every creeping, crawling thing " in the factories to become a special . concta ble. One might have thought that Mr, Jack Jones had already been to see The Insect Play.