12 MAY 1923, Page 3

The Parish Magazine of St. Peter's, Coventry, has published a

letter which was recently received from Ireland. It was written by an Irish cook to her mistress, and we happen to know that it is genuine. We shall not spoil by comment what is complete and perfect in itself. Here is the letter :- " My Lady,—We've had stirring times here. Since you left, the National Army came and took possession of the house. The Irregular Army attacked them. The battle lasted until five o'clock. The Irregulars were defeated. Afterwards I showed the armies round the garden. They specially admired your ladyship's antir- rhinums. I regret to say they went down to the village and got drunk, and two of the Irregulais came back and got drowned in the lake. The funeral is on Thursday, and as I am sure it would be your ladyship's wish I am sending a wreath of antirrhinums."