12 MAY 1950, Page 34

THE "SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 581 [A Book Token f or

one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution noon on Tuesday of this week's crossword to be opened alter uesday week, May 23rd. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a lid. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]

5 4




20 /8 6 7 8 3



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23 25 26






e foes to the island, but what's it to him ? (6.)

19. Cad, you see us in the herald's hand. (8.) 22. Required in the ship with a heavy cargo. (10.) 24. A case of push and go for propor- tional representation next morning. (4.) 26. Alternative name for a Hardy sergeant. (5.) 27. Several r's in this. (9.) 28. Got It by ear ? (7.)

29. Educational collaboration of deer and ecclesiastic. (7.)


1. R34, perhaps. (7.) 2. A measure in broken chairs. (9.) 3. One of two things for toy., to dti In the wabe. (4.)

4. City ants (snag.). (ft.) S. Theirs is the wrong sort of paying proposition. (6.)


1. How the king's head and the whits hart may be used. (7.)

S. A drink with a political party was standard for Constantine. (7.) 9. Charges for depositing light articles oply ? (4, 5.)

10. He seems to place an embargo on the queue. (S.) 11. One falls into it and hears It from somebody else. (4.) 12. Where to begin in the cricket field If playing for Devon. (5, 5.) 14. The jobs that are simply run after.

They often precede a drop of water.

6. Plus 18 ac. for a horse. (10.) 7. Ben Ezra, maybe. (5.)

8 It probably takes longer to write them. (7.)


1 . . emphatically a male spouse. (10.) Tea will not on Cowper's authority. The end of the bidding. (4, 4.) Singular battle ; what's the hurry ?

20. c07.) eller gives one small Japanese coin for this instrument of the same nationality. (7.)

21. Supported above sea level perhaps.

li.itevatg.. (s ) Something . for lunch, perhaps, packed in a brief bag. (4.1