12 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 10

Srenerart ACCIDENT.—On Wednesday, at Berwick, while two women were shaking

a carpet on that part of the ramparts adjoining the flag-

staff, the wind blew violently, and the younger being unable to with-

stand the hurricane, let go her end of the carpet, which was, in conse- quence, thrust against her companion, and completely enveloped her ; before the lapse of a moment the wind lifted woman and carpet from the ground, and precipitated them over a height of forty feet to a field be- neath. The poor creature had one of her hip-joints dislocated by the fall.—Scotch Paper.

SmrwnEexs.—The brig Meridian, of London, was lost on the 30th of August, on the north-east bar of Sable Island, on the Nova Scotia coast,

whilst on her voyage from Nantes to Halifax. The vessel struck about

nine o'clock, p. m. The crew• remained in a state of the greatest anx- iety until the next morning, when they took to the boat. The tackles had not been cut away more than a minute when the boat was swamped, and the master and one of the men were drowned ; the mate and five others succeeded in reaching the wreck, when they were taken off by a , boat from the shore.

The Catherine, from Smyrna to London, was totally lost in Catalan Bay (Gibraltar), at the back of the Rock, early on the morning of the 19th ult. The wind having suddenly veeered round to the southward, and blowing a hurricane, drove her on the beach, where a terrific surf soon shattered her to pieces. The master, chief mate, and three sea- men were saved with great difficulty, through the humane exertions of the officer in command at that port, and his small guard, who linked themselves together for better security. One of the soldiers more parti. cularly was distinguished for acts of daring courage, having twice dashed alone into the billows, and happily rescued two of the men from in- evitable destruction. The second mate, cook, and one seaman were drowned.

[The above is from a letter dated Gibraltar, October 20th. We re- gret that the name of the honest soldier by whose devotedness and activity two fellow-citizens were saved is not given. We would say to Ministers, give this man a halbert, and if he behave well, a commis- sion ; such a subject will do more honour to the King's livery than the " feckless" spawn of a borough _jobbinglord.]

TuE ROTIISAY CASTLE.-011 Thursday last week, the body of a well- dressed man was found on the beach at Tickler's Point, Poolvash Bay. It appeared to have been some weeks in the water, and was probably one of the unfortunate passengers of the Rothsay. The corpse had no- coat on, but from the quality of the check linen, black silk handkerchief, blue pantaloons, black waistcoat, and shoes, it may be presumed to be the body of a gentleman. The shirt was numbered 6, and the stockings 3. The body of Richard Sansbury, who was lost in Port St. Mary Bay, about a fortnight past, was also found near the same spot on Tuesday last. —Manx Sun.

BOAT ACCIDENT.—A few days ago, a party.of young sailor amateurs were engaged in a boat regatta, at Valencia harbour, County Kerry. Mr. Maurice O'Connell, M.P. was President of the Club ; and when the arrangements were nearly completed, under his inspection, Captain Primrose, of the 73d Regiment, on leave of absence from Malta, proceeded in a small boat, accompanied by Mr. Eager and five seamen, to arrange a certain point, when a sudden squall arose and upset the boat. The rest of the boat's crew sunk to rise no more; but Captain Primrose swam- to a rock about twenty yards distant which he reached in safety. In this situation he was observed by his brother and sister, who immedi- ately had their boat rowed towards the rock. On their approach Cap- tain Primrose threw himself into the water, with the intention of swim- ming to his relative's boat, when, we regret very much to say, he perished. Captain Primrose was a very fine young man, and a near relative of Mr. O'Connell.—Freeman's Journal. The Limerick Herald says, two of the crew of the boat were saved; and -gives a somewhat. different account of the accident, which does not, however, render. doubtful its melancholy conclusion. MACHINERY ACCIDENT.-012 Saturday week, at Mr. Baron's to- bacco-manufactory, Little. Bolton, while a young boy was standing closee to one of the cutting-frames, his apron caught on the end of the shaft

. which works the cutting-knife at the time it was at work, and his arm got entangled. Before the poor fellow could be extricated, the arm was • broken from the hand to the elbow in the most dreadful manner, and the joint completely torn out of the socket, so that it only hung by the sinews and skin. The flesh was also much bruised, and the whole so injured as to render immediate amputation necessary. The cutting- frames are worked by steam, and could not be stopped before the mis- chief was done. The boy bore his sufferings with great fortitude, and never uttered a sound, with the exception of one scream at the moment the accident happened. The amputation was performed by Messrs. Moore, Medea, Hampson, and Wolstenliolme, and the boy is now doing well.—Blackburn Gazette. [Machinery accidents are recorded every day ; they occur in the various parts of the country every hour. We have not the slightest doubt, that a very slight effort of the same genius which made the machine would make it safe—why is it not exerted ? Masters say, that " workmen are so careless ;" but to expose workmen unnecessarily, is worse than careless—it is criminal.] • CHOKE-DAMP.--■-011 the 21st October, in the parish of inchinleck, two young men of the name of Baird, sons of a farmer in the neighbourhood, passing a coal-pit, five fathoms deep, that Was sinking, the one prevailed on the other to let him down the pit to see it ; but when near the bot- tom, he fell down, from the effects of the choke-damp. The brother gave the alarm, when a man of the name of Murdoch came to his assistance, and went down the pit ; but he shared the same fate. David M'Leod, another man, now went down ; and he also shared the same fate. James Davidson, a fourth person, next went down ; but before reaching the bottom, he called out to be taken up. He got a rope fixed round his body and attempted it again, but did not succeed. A fire was then let down into the pit, and one of the men was heard to moan ; and when the windlass was turned, it was found some of the three persons below were attached to the rope. When it was hoisted to a certain height, there appeared but one of the men, David M-Leod, hanging to the rope. He was immediately rescued by the people at the pit mouth. The other two were dead before they could be got out.— Edinburgh Observer.

SUICIDES.—On Wednesday last week, the body of a man was taken out of the canal, near Port Hopetoun ; it appeared that it had been only a short time in the water, but life was gone beyond the reach of human recovery. Two letters were found in the pocket of the deceased ; from which it appeared that his name was Brown ; that he had formerly been a purser aboard a vessel of war ; that he had commenced business, and being ruined by the pressure of the times, he had resolved on self- destruction, rather than groan under the load of poverty, suffering, and sorrow to which he had been reduced.—Scotels Paper.

On Wednesday last, an inquest was held at Baylham, Suffolk, on the body of Mrs. Eleanor Hammond, a person of very respectable station. It appeared that on the preceding Monday morning Mrs. Hammond had ,words with her husband, and left the house. At night she returned, but refused to enter the house, and went into a bower, which the en- treaties of her husband or her husband's brother could not induce her to leave. At length her husband carried her in. A great deal of quarrel- ing took place subsequent to her coming into the house, though appa- .rently on the side of the deceased only. In less than ten minutes after she had been by much entreaty and some coercion prevailed on to go to bed, she was taken ill,-and began to vomit. At four o'clock she died. The evidence on the inquest disclosed that she had taken arsenic; and the Jury returned a verdict of Felo de se.—Essex Herald. Mr. T. Braitwait, a builder at Stepney Green, who had long carried on business in an extensive way, but had recently suffered from the de- pression in trade, hung himself on Monday, in an unfinished house.