12 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 11

TrE NEW BANKRUPT COURT.—Mr. Baron Bayley has accepted the situation

of Chief Judge to the new Bankruptcy Court, upon condition his present salary of 5,500/. a year be continued to him.—Daily Paper.

CHARITABLE Connissmen.—Z. Macaulay, Esq. has been appointed one of the Commissioners for inquiring into Charities. MR. THELWALT. AND THE CnANcEre.oa.—'-The Lord Chancellor has pre- sented the son of Mr. Thelwall, the Radical orator, to the Vicarage of

Ovey, in Bucks, in consideration of the long-continued exertions of his father in the cause of Reform and civil and religious liberty.—Doncaster (a. Gazette. [We doubt the "consideration."]

THE GREAT CAUSE, SRAM. ATTWOOD.—This cause has begun, with very little probability of being terminated in the lives of any of the parties. The briefs and other written documents would fill a waggon. The depositions of the witnesses alone, which are neatly bound up in volumes, amount to nearly six thousand folios. THE Loan ADVOCATE OF Scomesne—Harassing duties and continued indisposition have, we understand, induced Mr. Jeffrey to retire from the office of Lord Advocate for Scotland. His successor is to be John Archibald Murray, Esq. This change will be officially announced in a few days.—Glasgow Courier. The rumour is totally devoid of foundation—there being letters from his Lordship in town within these few days, stating that his health is much mended, and that he hopes to be able to attend his duties in Par- liament when it shall reassemble.—North Briton.

SIR NATHANIEL \VRAXRALI..—This aged Tory expired on Monday, at Dover, in the eighty-first year of his age. He was the son of a mer-

chant at Bristol, and, about the middle of last century, entered into the civil service of the East India Company. In 1769, he was appointed Judge-Advocate of the forces in the expedition sent to Guzerat, and against Baroche. After his return from India, he resided several years on the Continent. He was returned to Parliament for Hindon, Wilts, 1780; Ludgershall, 1784 ; and again for Wallingford, 1790. He was created a Baronet in 1813. Sir Nathaniel published various historical works ; amongst which was the " History of France to the Death of Henry the Fourth," and " Historical Memoirs of his Own Times." Throughout his political career, he supported the measures of the Pitt and Addington Administrations. Sir Nathaniel's complaint was a con- sumption of the lungs, and he was contemplating a journey to Italy for

the recovery of his health, when his dissolution occurred. Thus far the daily chronicles: we may add a reminiscence of the deceased. It was in reviewing his " Historical Memoirs".—a laborious accumulation of un- authenticated hearfays, and facts without evidence7-4hat the wags of the

old Yellow and Blue wrote the following epitaph on the scribblin baronet :

‘4 Men, measures, seasons, sceues, and facts all,

Misquoting, misdating,

Misplacing, misstating,

Here lies Sir Nathaniel Wraxhall i"

Sir Nathaniel adventured an answer to the wicked scribe, in which he was outrageously witty on the subject of whisky punch and David flume's Monument. This answer ought to be numbered among his literary undertakings. It cost him a serious castigation, in addition to the humorous one previously bestowed.

RATIONAL Murrain Puensusneer.—A district court-martial was held a few days ago on a private in the 1st Regiment of Grenadier Guards,

for stealing ls. from a comrade. The sentence of the court-martial was read at the head of each regiment on Sunday ; and instead of a flogging, as has been the case heretofore in the army for theft, he was sentenced to three months' imprisonment.

ThE DUBLIN FESTIVAL.—Upon closing the accounts of the Dublin Festival, it appeared that the net profits amounted to 1,0001.; which sum was paid over to the charities for whose benefits the performance took place.—Harmonicon.

TORT OLA.—Letters from this island describe a bloody and horrible plot which had just been discovered among the slaves to murder their masters, burn their houses, slaughter all their children, fire all the estates, and take the grown-up women for wives. It is very fortunate that all the plots of slaves against their masters in the West Indies are invariably found out before any mischief is done. The present case is not an exception from this universal rule. The letter says, that the wrath of the Negroes was chiefly directed against those masters who lied treated them most indulgently. Of course !

THE NEW ROAD.—The Court of King's Bench has taken time to con- sider this case. An application was made to compel the Justices of Mid- dlesex to appoint Surveyors of the Highways, in the parish of Clerken-

Neel It appears that two acts, passed in the last year of the late reign, for keeping in repair the streets and highways of that parish, are in op-

positions to each other. A private Act intrusts the repairs to a local. board : the Metropolitan Act takes the repairs out of the hands of the Commissioners for the parish, and places the same under Surveyors.

A POULTERER'S PITY.•••••AIL old woman was a pulled up" before Lord Mayor Key on Monday, fur stealing a goose. She was identified,

as well as the goose, by the poulterer's man. The old lady said, in re- ference to a charge of having, on a thrmer occasion, stolen a couple of ducks, that she knew nothing of tine poulterer, but that he acted very unlike a gentleman to point out a person he never had seen before as a thief. Poulterer—" Oh, Lord ! do you hear she ? Why didn't you tell me, when you stole the ducks, that you didn't like for to eat nothing half so well as a bit of nice poultry ? :sad didn't master take pity on you, and tell you to go to ?"

PREVENTIVES.—The Duke of Northumberland has given orders to have outer shutters made for the windows in front of his mansion in the Strand, in addition to the inner shutters.

UTILITIES ov QcAnANTINE.—One evening this week, a smartish brig was observed coming up the Firth in full sail, with a "yellow flag" streaming in the wind. The quarantine officers took for granted that the pestilence was on board, and that the honest master of the ship would forthwith proceed to the Lazaretto at St. Margaret's Hope, to undergo the usual process of aquatic purification. The sea was running high at the time, the night closing fast, and it would have been ex- tremely dangerous for the Coast Guard to have approached within hail

of her. Next morning dawned, when inquiry was made after the " plague-ship ;" but no such vessel was to be fins/id anywhere on the bosom of the Firth. It Was subsequently ascertained to have been a smuggler; which, during the nigllt, had landed some gamey ankers of mountain-dew on the shores of Pile, and the crew of which struck the yellow flag the moment the ship was purified of its "blue ruin."— Seetsumn.