12 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 12

CoNNELT. IN ins Sax OowN.--Mr. O'Connell's entry into the Court

of Chancery (Dublin) on the first day of Term occasioned a sensation. The learned gentleman modestly took his seat at the extremity of the *King's Counsel bar ; but Mr. Henchy, by whom he had placed himself, -Twisted upon the precedence which the Royal letter had conferred. Mr. O'Coznell, after some complimentary bowing, passed Mr. Henchy and ''came in contact with Mr. Lefroy, who exchanged similar demonstrations .elf iwognition, and insisted upon placing his great political opponent above him ; which the latter, with the most bland expression of coun- %mance, appeared to deprecate; however he yielded, and moved a step farther up, which brought him at once side by side with the Attorney- (istoral, who raised up his full and intelligent eye upon the "new beaming proft..sjmal welcome. The Lord Chancellor appeared 't,i mi.ke 111'. Wort to preserve his habitual gravity whilst this amiable co- `;3:etr-,- took place.,-..DribIin, Morning Post.

A LITTLE noun EXPENSR.-We hear that some extensive alterations Ln mkt., place in the enclosure of St. James's Park immediately. 'Tile cane .?.; to be reduced in length, so as to allow of space sufficient

' erection of an ornamental lodge at either end of it ; which lodges

f 0' lie occupied by persons who are to have the care of the Park ; and is fc centre of the canal a handsome fountain is to be constructed. Ti,ese alterations are ordered, we understand, preparatory to their Ma- jesties taking possession of the new palace ; and our informant adds that titiey are to be commenced this week.-Times. [Mr. Nash being now discharged, we suppose a little additional outlay must be contrived to re- munerate his successor. For what was the present form given to the (anal.? Was it because the palace was not to be occupied that the ex- pense of turning and twisting it was incurred ? The Ministers have • been loud-none louder-in inveighing against the expense of the new palace, and chiefly because it was lavished not to suit the taste of the nation, but the taste of the King ; whose taste is it that requires lodges which lead to nothing, and fountains in a climate wherefor nine months in the year fire is more acceptable than water ?]