12 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 5

Wanalcx. MEETINO.—On Tuesday, one of the largest and most re-

spectable meetings that ever was known in the county, took place in the Market Square of Warwick. There were a great number of gay pro- cessions from the surrounding country ; but none of the Birmingham Union were present, lest it should be said that the meeting was a Bir- mingham and not a county meeting, At half-past twelve the High She- riff proceeded to the hustings : he was attended by Sir J. Chetwynd, Lord Hood, Mr. A. Gregory, Sir G. Philips, Mr. Bolton King, M.P., Mr. H. C. Adams, the Hon. C. T. Clifford, the Rev. Dr. Wade, Sir C. Thrcckmorton, Mr. J. Shuckbargh, Mr. T. Attwood, Mr. J. Parkes, and a crowd of other influential gentlemen belonging to the county.

The High Sheriff, thought an Anti-Reformer, was unanimously called to the chair.

Sir George Philips moved the first resolution ; which was seconded by Mr. King, member for the city. The other resolutions were moved by Lord Hood, Sir George Chetwynd, and the other leading gentlemen present. Sir E. G. Wilmot moved the address to Earl Grey.

The Reverend Dr. Wade spoke at length on the subject of the meet- ing. He observed, in reference to the riots at Bristol—"i If evil must needs come, wo be to them by whom it comes ;' it was the denial of justice by the Lords, and above all by the Bishops, that furnished the combustibles of discontent to the orderly, and the opportunity of mis- chief to the disorderly, and Sir Charles Wetherell tired the train. The conduct of our political Quixote was more mischievous than that of the Knight of the Rueful Countenance, who, when the keepers advised him not to provoke the lion too far, retired with honour ; but Sir Charles, mischievously intent upon a reaction,' raised the riot, and was at last compelled to sneak away in disguise and disgrace ; and had it not been

for the noble exertions of the Political Union of Bristol, the Western

capital of England would, through the folly and temerity of Sir Charles Wetherell, have now been a heap of ruins. The best weapons they could use to obtain a more glorious and bloodless victory over the oligar- chical faction, were frequent meetings, sound arguments, urged in a firm, uncompromising, legal, and constitutional manner, not suffering the despicable artifices of the late Reformers about ' reaction' and 'delu- sions ' to goad our reason from her seat. Let us tell the Bishops in a voice of thunder, that they have crucified their Christian flocks between two sets of thieves,—viz. the Borouglimongers, who have robbed us, and their Rabble friends, who wish to do so." Dr. Wade went on to comment on the conduct of the Bishops—" Gentlemen, the Bill will lead to a reform in the abuses of the Church, as well as of those in the State : such abuses, for instance, as a bishop having- 30,000/. per annum, and a respectable clergyman, with a will: and six children, having between 301.

and 401. per annum : such, for instance, as a respectable working clergy-

man dying in poverty, and a Bishop leaving behind him 100,000/. These are the abuses which made the best writer and friend of the Church of

England say—' The Church of Christ is worse than a den of thieves ; it is the very dwelling-place of foul spirits, who have climbed nu into the seats of episcopacy by barter.' lhe Bishops were originally a sort of parochial ministers, having their curates to assist them with their parish duty ; but, lest the curates should pick the ears of corn that fell from the Bishops' abundant sheaves, in stepped a troop of soldiers, like what you see here to-day, to overawe your pro- ceedings,—a sort of lumber troop,—in stepped a troop of Deans, Pre- bends, Pluralists, and Rectors, to take the great and small tithes, and leave the working clergy little except the prayers. Gentlemen, a Re- formed Parliament will put an end to these abuses and monopolies. A Reformed Parliament will also reform the tithe system ; and it will pro- bably consider that if a judge of the land, after a life of labour, gives up great emoluments for a seat of toil, with only 5,000/. per annum, that a Bishop, who toils but little, and never gives up any thing he can keep, ought to be satisfied with the same income, and not to have 10,0004, 20,000/., or 30,000/. per annum. Time political jurisdiction of Bishops is a mere piece of state policy, and only to be admitted when it is not used against the State, of which it is the servant, and not the ally—as Bishop Warburton, who stole his idea from a country parson, would have us believe, contrary to the general course of Jewish precedents, to Christ's example, and to the teaching of time Apostles. The political ju- risdiction of Bishops is a Saxon custom, adopted in times before lawyers were in fashion, and when Bishops possessed public virtue as well as learning. Does it not then follow, that since lawyers sit on the wool- sack, the most legitimate ground of the Bishops' political jurisdiction, of their voting in Parliament upon political questions, is taken away ? They do usually withdraw in causes of blood; I ask, then, why these whited walls' should remain to judge political questions contrary to the law' of reason, justice, and charity, and to strangle the liberties of Englishmen, which are dearer to them than their blood."

Mr. Attwood afterwards addressed the meeting, in moving thanks to the County Members. " He knew that the Bill must ultimately pass ; but he had some fears that it would be rejected again the House of Lords. If it should, a great and trying crisis would arrive, and it would be- hove all to be extremely cautious with respect to what was now doing ; for they might be assured, if ever a general commotion broke out in the country, although it was certain that the enemies of the people would he destroyed, yet it was equally certain that the people of the country would suffer. He would explain why he thought the House of Lords would again throw out the Bill. There was a want of union to compel —he begged the Sheriff's pardon—to induce the House of Lords to pass the Bill. Unanimity was necessary to success in all cases ; if there wra not unanimity, the greatest danger might happen to the people. He did not say that the Bill would be lost for ever—that was impossible; but the danger was, that the People might be precipitated into an oe.eas of blood and tears in order to carry it. At present the Reformers were impregnable ; they had along with them the King, the Ministers, and the whole of the People, except a sordid Oligarchy. But the enemy mould endeavour to harden the heart of our enlightened King, and disturbances would be raised, in order to produce discord among the People."

Mr. Attwood alluded to the "enormous lies" of the Tory press, ta.a their object—" They told the King, that at the present moment the. Birmingham people had 10,000 organized men in London ready to act. They had stated also, that they had 1,000 down at Bristol, and there was one house in London in which were 200 ready for revolution and his fear was, that by these doings the King's heart, if it was MA/ firm as a rock, would be shaken. The fact was, that the men of Hires. ingham had only joined themselves together to restore rights to those who had been deprived of them, and to restore the country to happiness. There were other sowers of discord : men who went through time country, telling them that the great Bill of Reform which has just been offered by a patriotic King to his People—that the Bill was not worth a rath_ If he thought it was not worth a rush—if he thought it was not col greater value to the working classes than any other—he would not sup- port it for a moment ; for his opinion was, that the working classes had been more injured than any other class. That great boon which was now offered, the People could by unanimity secure ; but if one was to run one way, and another another—if they were to throw back the Bill to the King and say, We won't have it, because it does not fulfil our hopes,'—if such conduct were pursued, nothing but a military despotism remained for England."

Mr. Joseph Parkes, in seconding a vote of thanks to the Sheriff, said —0 The people of Birmingham had intentionally abstained from attend. ing this meeting ; he was most glad to see the array of the county aristocracy in their 'proper places, heading the public feeling of the county, and showing a great majority of intellect, character, and pro- perty in favour of the King, the Government, and the People. He had., wishing to see the leading men of the county take their proper mail, studiously avoided, therefore, any early or prominent part in the meets ing. In Birmingham, the people of all ranks had loudly and repeatedly' proclaimed their opinion and determination. This day was for the dila tinct expression of county feeling. He remarked on the military array with which it had been deemed necessary to surround the assembly. Iii could not content himself with simply seconding the resolution, without; expressing his disgust and ridicule of the ludicrous exhibition of fez!: displayed by those wise and gaping municipal authorities who had ends- cled the town, at Kenilworth, Leamington, and the Black Dog, with a political cordon sauitoire of troops of the line, yeomanry, and special con- stables. He would tell the Lord Lieutenant, the Magistracy, and time sagacious Corporation of Warwick, that never were military prepara- tions made more unnecessarily. It was notorious that in no instance for many years had an extraordinary force been necessary to keep the pears. in Birmingham or Warwick—never since the expulsion of Tory mohe. Among the first benefits of the Reform Bill, Mr. Parkes proceeded re say, he expected and hoped that antiquated and self-elected bodies would be thrown open, and restored in choice and responsibility to the people, for whom their power was originally vested in trust. The fact was, that municipal authorities were, by late events, proved to be quite itteffa: cient. The Corporation of Bristol omitted to do every thing they ought to do ; the Corporation of Warwick did every thing they ought not to dcc. Never till the civil authority represented the opinion and confidence csa the People, would life, property, or liberty he safe. He would nowbriefly allude to the great subject of their meeting—the Bill. Ile cordially comm. curred in all time proceedings of the day ; he had confidence in the Minis. ters, but would to God he could see his way to aconstitutional and pesaa able result of their great contest ! He did not see his way ; but he had confidence in the Ministry, and simply because he felt confident that rut men of their integrity and wisdom, no men so identified with the puialie opinion of the country, could be blind themselves to the state of the House of Lords, with scarcely a third of that House really intending tam support the principles of the Bill in Committee. He was confident that Ministers must see the d refill con sequences of anarchy and confusion whicris would result from a second rejection of time Bill in the Upper House. Ht therefore sincerely trusted to the :Ministers, that, aware of the crisis, they were taking those measures essential to the success of the Bill. it must; and would be carried, constitutionally or unconstitutionally. It was tits: lesion to blink the alternative. Government, he sincerely and firmly' believed, were alive to the crisis. Tumult and national anarchy would- drown all in a common deluge. That was the consummation of the evils of the Boronghmongering system. God forbid that the passions of the People should be let loose, and that all men's fortunes and stations should be hurried into a gulf of confusion and destruction. He solemnly warned every labouring man, that he above all others was interested Etc order, or scenes would occur beggaring all former revolution in general

ruin and suffering; and he reminded them that they were nowperforming, by union, firmness, and good order, the great work which almost every other state in Europe had attempted to perform by anarchy and bloodshed."

The whole of the resolutions and the address to the King were earned without a dissentient voice; and the meeting separated in the most per-, feet order.

SUSSEX Mamma—The Brighton Gazette contains a long and inte- resting account of this meeting, to which we merely alluded in our lass; number. The day (Friday) was remarkably fine, and the attendance most respectable. There was a flag, with the inscription " No political Bishops ! The shepherds have fed themselves, and not their flocks "— which seems to have sorely vexed the Sheriff, a gentleman who rejoices in the cacophonous name of Alabbot,—he would neither speak himself nor let Lord Chichester speak, until it was furled, and even threatened

to dissolve the meeting on account of it. Besides the appointed oratore of the meeting, Major Beauclerk, Sir Godfrey Webster, and Colossi Evans addressed the freeholders, chiefly to deprecate the milk-and-waft- tenor of the resolutions. We give the only two extracts that seem to be of importance.

Major Beauclerk said, be had opposed the resolutions at the last minty meeting as milk and water. His friends, Mr. Shirley and Sir Godfrey Webster, as well as himself, then said the House of Lords would laugh at their mild petition ; and the event had justified the pre- diction. He had no wish to sow dissension, but he avowed his wish to have a House of Commons which might secure the rights and happi- ness of all classes, and not one constituted for the advantage of the few. Re gladly joined in all that had been done, as far as it went ; but he thought they ought to go further, and speak out more boldly. Taxes, to a certain extent, he knew must be raised ; but when the people were taxed more than necessary, it was downright robbery. Every farthing paid in taxes by persons unrepresented was nothing better than an orga- nized system of plunder, under the name of law, which had sanctioned privileged robbers to levy taxes and take the bread from the poor man's breakfast and dinner, and even to tear the ragged blanket from his wretched bed. This system must be put an end to and there was no other just means than by sending honest men to Parliament.

The faction that had so lung rode rough-shod over the people, must

be got rid of, or scenes like those of Bristol would take place throughout the kingdom.. What right had any one to take money ant of a man's pocket without his leave ? He was willing to waive at

present the question of universal suffrage ; but he wonld work till the last day of his existence in order to get that great subject set at rest. [el woke—" There's no gammon in this.") He knew there was no gammon in what he said ; and he hoped that Political Unions would be found in

every rape, every town, village, and hamlet throughout the country. He

had no wish to excite to tumult or disorder ; let them go to Parliament a second time for Reform, and then, if it should be rejected, there were means of redress by stopping the supplies. He would say no more at present. (" Go on, go on.") If any of them should go through London,

Manchester, Birmingham, as he had lately done, they would feel the deepest indignation at the squalid misery in those places, where men

were daily dying of starvation. Radicals like himself were asked if Re- form would put a coat on a man's back, if it would give bread to the poor ? He said that Reform would remove the taxes, and enable every industrious man to obtain a living ;—not that it would make men equal, for nature made some men more industrious than others, and some more provident than others ; but whatever good it might do, let us at least try it. The Boroughmongers cry patience, patience, patience : he also cried patience, patience, patience ; but he would tell the Boroughmongers that there was a point beyond which patience became cowardice, and he hoped the country would not be driven beyond that point. Colonel Evans also, while lie fully concurred with the sentiments ex- pressed in the resolutions, regretted they were not a little more forcible. Eml Chichester had objected to the word " unjustly," in the first resolu- tioN, but Colonel Evans would refer to the almost contumelious rejec- tien of the Bill by the House of Lords,—a Bill which had received the support of twenty millions of people,—as sufficient authority for such an expression. The rejection of the Bill was not only unjust, but there was nothing in history which showed so much temerity as its rejection. Ile had no doubt that a Reform Bill would pass ; but he regretted that the House of Lords should have rejected the late Bill, because he knew that among the Peers there were many who were ardent and sincere friends of the People. In reference to the flag which had been removed from the hustings, he admitted it might be improper to be placed there ; but lie concurred with the sentiment expressed upon it, that there aught to be "no political Bishops ;" and he thought the Church of Eng- land would be strengthened by their removal from the House of Lords. When had the Bishops raised their voice against the immoral and unjust system of elections and representation ? If they could not conscien- tiously go with the Nation, why did they vote at all ? He did not think for a moment, that in any new Bill the schedules A and B could be in- fringed upon ; he was satisfied that Government would bring in a Bill not only as efficient as thclast,but even moreso. When he recollected the political life of Earl Grey, of Lord Brougham, mid of Lord Althorp, he considered it wholly impossible for such men to trifle with the People, or to act so unjustly towards their own characters. He regretted the delay in the reassembling of Parliament ; but the Ministers must be best qualified to judge as to the best mode of conducting it successfully ; and he hap- pened to know that there were some reasons for the delay, which had not yet found their way into the papers. lie knew that advantage would Se taken of this delay, to render the new Bill, in one or two very important respects, considerably better than the lust. One of these improvements would he to remove the serious objectionswhich had been made in many quarters to the arbitrary powers conferred upon the Commissioners for dividing counties, by embodying their arrangements in the Bill. The present irregular boundaries of boroughs would also be struck off, and the actual boundaries of towns adopted. Both these alterations would be decided improvements of the Bill.

Mr. George Dawson, who cried "No !" to an assertion of the Colonel, that the county was unanimous for Reform (a most impertinent inter- ruption, from a man who allowed that he was not a freeholder, and who is assuredly not a Sussex man) was afterwards invited to speak ; but, from his violence, he was not listened to. In the matter of the speech there was no novelty.

SUFFOLK MEETING—This great and influential county met yesterday, at StoWmarket. The day was wet and disagreeable, but the meeting was notwithstanding most respectable. The address to the King was moved by the Duke of Norfolk, and seconded by Lord Huntingfield. Lord Gosford moved a vote of thanks to his Majesty's Ministers; which was seconded by Mr. Shaw. A vote of thanks was also moved to the Dukes of Norfolk and Grafton, for their attendance, and to the county members, and lastly to the Sheriff. The Anti-Reform journals will doubtless find out, by dint of algebra, that the Suffolk Meeting of yes- terday was inferior in numbers to the former one. These gentlemen never seem to consider, or to calculate on their readers considering, that out-of-doors meetings, in cold and rain, when nights are dark and roads are foul,—whether for Reform as against Reform, whether called by Whigs or by Tories—must be more thinly attended Chan meetings in the Month of June.

NORFOLK MEETING; The requisition to the High Sheriff to con- vene a county meeting, for the purpose of affording the freeholder! of Atorfolk an opportunity of expresiing their confidence in the ring's Ali- sisters, and at the same time to adopt such measures as may be deeMed expedient to forward the great cause of Parliamentary Reform, has been complied with, and Saturday sennight is the day fixed for this public

demonstration of the feeling of the county. The requisition is headed by the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, by eight noblemen, and five baronets, by both the county members, and upwards of 1,000 freeholders and occupiers, comprising a great proportion of the largest owners and occupiers of land in the county.—East Anglian.

LANARK COUNTY MEETING.—This great and important meeting took place on Monday, at Hamilton IIaughs. The number of people present is estimated at 10,000. The Duke of Hamilton took the chair, amidst the loudest cheering of the whole -meeting. The Duke said, ii They were met constitutionally to ask what constitutionally belonged

to them ; and he was convinced that whatever advances were made by

the people towards regaining their rights,—if made with moderation, temper, and prudence,—they would be received with proper feeling by

the Legislature, especiallywhen supported by the influence of the Crown, and by one branch of the Legislature itself. He had been a Reformer at a time when it was almost considered a crime to be one, and when much

obloquy was thrown upon him for entertaining those sentiments which they had met that day to express. He gloried, however, in those senti- ments, and looked back to that obloquy with pride, because he now re- ceived the reward which was always the follower of consistency, and because those sentiments of Reform he had supported were such as would lead to the advancement of the best interests of the country, and they were now within reach of what was expected to be derived from them. The resolutions to be submitted to them, he was sure would receive their unanimous sanction, as they all breathed the spirit of liberty and inde- pendence, now so prevalent throughout Scotland. .11e rejoiced to see the system of demonstration of opinion, which had been given in Scotland, as it was so different from that which had been manifested in some parts of England, where they had resorted to burnings, and dastardly attacks on the persons of individuals ; but here, while seeking their rights, the people were too well-informed to resort to intimidation, too just to attack the property of others, and too loyal to disturb the peace of the country at large. He would entreat them, though lie believed it was unneces- sary, to conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Ile, as first magis- trate in the county, was interested in the preservation of peace and good order, and nothing would hurt his feelings more than any thing like a breach of the public peace. He felt confident no disorder would occur here ; but still let him entreat all to avoid the semblance of it. If peace and quietness were dear to them—if their families were dear to them— if their country was dear to them—and last, though not least, if Reform was dear to them—let the people conduct themselves with moderation and good order." Mr. Maxwell of Pollock moved the first resolution, in a speech strongly indicative of the country of his birth. "He was confident Earl Grey would give all he had promised, and he would not wonder if he gave them a little more. He knew, from the Chairman, that Earl Grey was a man who never drew back from what he had promised, or who was afraid to do that which he in his conscience believed to be right or just ; and he believed he would do so in this instance. He had read his Bible, and he there found that Providence, when there was need for it, never failed to raise a deliverer—and in the present case it had raised Earl Grey. The people of Scotland, more than any other in the Three Kingdoms, were interested in the Bill ; and they would stand for it in the spirit of the old Covenanters, who were not afraid to speak their sentiments whether they were in fetters or sword in hand."

The resolution was seconded by Mr. Jardine, advocate.

Sir Michael Shaw Stewart moved the second resolution; in doing which he observed, that " Lord Ebrington's motion had preserved the peace of the country by soothing down the feelings of the People on their disappointment, and by assuring them, after they had expressed so deep and irrepressible a desire for the Bill, that it would not be withheld. That resolution had done more to keep peace in the West of Scotland, than marching in a whole army would have done—it was the cheapest defence of the country."

The meeting was also addressed by Mr. Spiers of Elderslie, Mr. Colquhoun of Killermont, Mr. Wallace of Kelly, and a number of other gentlemen. One incident occurred in the course of the meeting, too re. markable to pass unnoticed. Mr. Smith, a weaver, moved a resolution for a cordial union of all classes ; which was seconded by Admiral Fleming ! The address to the King, founded on the resolutions, was unanimously agreed to The meeting broke up in perfect order, and in retiring they accompanied the Duke of Hamilton to the palace-gate, where they parted with three hearty cheers.

Dunaanrox.—The county of Dumbarton met on Wednesday sen- night, and adopted unanimously an address on the subject of the Re- form Bill.

CUMBERLAND. —The Cumberland county meeting will be held at IVigton on the 15th. Three baronets head the list of requisitionists.

MEETING AT CROYDON.—A numerous and highly respectable meet- ing of the inhabitants of the hundred of Wallington, containing the parishes of Cheam, Sutton, Carshalton, Beddington, ditcham, Merton, Bridge, Morden, Addington, Sanderstead, Coulsden, Croydon, and Wood- marston, was held on Wednesday in the Town-hall at Croydon ; the hall was completely full. The Chairman, Mr. Samuel Norman Cowley, briefly explained the object of the meeting, which was to address his lllajesty and his Ministers on the subject of an efficient Reform of the Commons' House of Parliament. Mr. Moberly (whose sentiments on the subject are important, from his connexion with the Administration) said, " the question then under consideration was perhaps the most im- portant ever submitted to a public meeting. There could be no use in concealing the fact, or blinking the real question ; it was his decided opi- nion, that one or the other of two things must occur—the Reform Bill must pass, or there would most certainly be a revolution in the country." The resolutions and address were carried by acclamation.

Wournnso.—A most numerous and respectable meeting of the inha- bitants of Worthing was held at the Assembly-rooms there on Thursday last week, in consequence of the rejection of the Reform Bill by the House of Lords. The High Constable, Mr. Paten, in-the chair. The resolutions were carried with acclamation, and a loyal address to hia

„Majesty was agreed on ; after which the meeting separated with three times three tremendous cheers for the King.

A Loyal Political Union has been established in Taunton, for the formation of which a public meeting was held on Friday last. What- ever may be the distrust attendant on the establishment of other unions of this description, that now commenced in this town will be altogether exempt from any suspicion of designing to be any thing else but that which it professes to be—a united body for securing the accomplishment of Parliamentary Reform by loyal, peaceable, and constitutional coopera- tion. That this is the sole and honest purpose of the association, the respectability of the persons belonging to it, which include many of the most wealthy and influential characters in this town, is an ample guarantee.—Taunton Courier.