12 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 8

Michael Shields, Thomas Williams, and John Bishop, offered the body

of a boy for sale to Mr. Partridge, Demonstrator of Anatomy in the King's College ; the appearance of which was so suspicious, that Mr, Partridge, having detained the men on pretence of changing a 50/. note. sent for Thomas, the Police Superintendent, and had them taken into

custody, in order that they might satisfactorily account for the posses- sion of it. The case was opened at Bow Street, on Saturday night ; and it was more minutely gone into on Tuesday, at the Unicorn public- house, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. The case is one of great in- terest, and therefore we shall give the evidence at greater length than we usually do in Police cases.

Hill, the porter of King's College, stated, that May and Bishop had called at the College between eleven and twelve on Saturday, to inquire if a subject were wanting, and that, after some conversation, nine gui- neas was fixed as the price. May was, at the time, in liquor. Hill went on to state the suspicious appearance of the body—its rigidity, the fresh state of the eyes, and other particulars ; which are, however, given more accurately and minutely by Mr. Beaman, surgeon, of James Street, Covent Garden, who examined the body professionally. Mr. Bea- man said- " The body appeared to me to have died very recently,—I should think not more than from twenty-four to thirty-six hours. The body was stiff, the face appeared swollen, the eyes full, prominent, and very fresh; the external coat of the eyes was much bloodshot, and there was a wound on the forehead over the left brow nearly one inch in length, and of the depth of about one-eighth of an inch. Blood was flowing from the wound ; the front teeth had been drawn, the tongue was swollen, but I did not perceive any more marks of violence on the body. I examined the neck, throat, and chest very particularly. There were no marks of pressure on those parts, and I was induced to examine them, more particularly the face and tongue, and the eyes being so full and bloodshot. [It was said at Bow Street on Saturday, that the chest was crushed in, but this was a mistake, or perhaps a theoretical explanation of the bay's death de- rived from the stories of Burke and Hare's atrocities.] On the Sunday evening, with the assistance of Mr. Mayo, Mr. Partridge, and others, I particularly observed the external appearance of the neck, throat, and chest; there was not the slightest mark of violence ; upon turning back the skin which covers the upper part of the skull, I detected a patch of extravasated blood directly beneath the skin. This patch must have been the effect of violence or accident. The bone was not injured. The substance of the brain was perfectly healthy throughout. The spine was next examined, and on the skin being removed from the lower part of the head, extending to the shoulders below, a good dealof blood was found extravasated. There was no fracture of the spine, but on removing the arch with a view to observe the spinal marrow, a quantity of coagulated blood was found within the spinal canal, pressing upon the marrow ; I have no doubt that this was the cause of death." Mr. Beaman, in answer to a question of the Coroner, stated that the violence might be produced without any external bruise ; he thought that blows must have been given to the deceased by a blunt stick, or other blunt instrument, or by the fist of a strong man. A fall would have left some more serious external appearances. In every respect except the appearances described, the body was perfectly healthy. Mr. Beaman was decidedly of opinion that the deaths of the boy was not the result of strangulation.

Mr. Partridge coincided with Mr. Beaman in his description of the body, and in the opinion that the blood pressing on the spinal marrow might cause death ; on this point, however, he did not speak with so much decision.

Mr. Douchez, a surgeon in Golden Square, who attended the exami- nation of the body, said he had seen similar appearances in the body of a man who died from having fallen down a flight of stairs. There was no doubt but that death must have been instantaneous, and it might have been produced by a blow from a bludgeon on the back of the neck. He observed a mark on the right wrist, apparently produced by pres- sure. It was his firm opinion, that the boy had first been stunned by a blow on the head, and afterwards that his neck had been dislocated, in the same manner as it is usual to wring the neck of a duck.

This was the whole of the surgical evidence. A person of the name of Perigalli, and his wife, came forward to speak to the identity of the boy ; whom some of our town readers may recollect wandering about the streets and picking tip a few halfpence by exhibiting a tortoise and some mice in a cage. Mr. Bernasconi, a clergyman, has also recognized him as having been one of his congregation ; but none of the parties knew the unfortunate boy's name. Mr. Starbuck, of the Stock Ex- change, mentioned having seen him at the Bank on Thursday evening he was then sitting with his head almost on his lap. A tortoise, similar to that which the boy was in the habit of carrying, was, it seems, ex- hibited in Holborn for sale ; the woman of the shop said it was purchased at Leadenball Market.

When Mr. Thomas interrogated the prisoners concerning the possess sion of the body, they said they had it from Guy's Hospital. It turns out that they carried it thither on Friday ; and on the porter declining to purchase, they were allowed to leave it for the night. They returned and fetched it away in the course of Saturday.

It was stated at ths inquest on Tuesday, that not fewer than eight persons had been to examine the body, each of whom had, within a short time, lost boys of nearly the same age—fourteen. The inquest was resumed on Thursday, but very few additional facts were elicited. Although the question of the murder is by no means settled, the question of the Burking is rather shaken. The first part of the inquiry was directed to the identity of the body. A letter from Mr. Starbuck, who thought he had recognized in the deceased boy a lad whom he had seen on the previous Thursday near the Bank, was read by the Coroner of the inquest. It stated, that Mr. Starbuck had been in error, as the lad to whom he alluded was still in life. Mr. Corder

said, from the inquiries he had made, he believed that the boy's name was Giovanni 31ontaro, and that be had been brought over by a person called Pietro Massa. ?erigalli, the. Italian examined on Tuesday, was, however, inclined to doubt this statement.

As a dernier resource, the Jury desired the prisoners to be called in Shields described himself as a mere porter in the business : he had met Bishop and May at the Fortune of War public-house on Friday night, and afterwards by appointment, on Saturday, on London Bridge ; whence they proceeded to Guy's for the hamper containing the body, and from Guy's to the King's College. Shields, after some fencing, ad- mitted that he had on several occasions been employed in a similar way : he is an occasional gravedigger, when porterage of bodies is not in de- mand. The case against this man seems to ,be slight. Bishop, who acted as the principal in the transaction, made the fol- lowing declaration—" I dug the body out of the grave. The reason why I decline to say the grave I took it out of is, that there were two watchmen in the ground, and they intrusted me, and being men of family, I don't wish to deceive them. I don't think I can say any thing more. I took it for sale to Guy's Hospital ; and as they did not want it, I left it there all night and part of the next day, and then I removed it to the King's College. That is all I can say about it. I mean to say that this is the truth. I shall certainly keep it a secret where I got the body. I know nothing as to how it died."

"May's description of the manner in which he was employed during the previous week, is worth recording, as a specimen of a ruffian's pro- gress. "He went into the country on Sunday week, and returned on the evening of Wednesday, and went to Mr. Granger's, in Webb Street, with a couple of subjects. On Thursday he removed them to Mr. Davis's, at Guy's, and after receiving the money, he went away to the Fortune of War, in Smithfield, and stayed there about two or three hours. Between four and five o'clock, to the best of his recollection, he went to Nag's Head Court, Golden Lane, and there he stopped with a girl until between eleven and twelve o'clock the next day. From Golden Lane he went to the Fortune of War again, and stopped drinking there until six o'clock or half-past. Williams and Bishop both came in there, and asked him if he would stand any thing,' which he did. Bishop then called him out, and asked him where he could get the best price for things' He told him where he had sold two, meaning Guy's, and Bishop then toldhim that he had got a good subject and had been offered eight guineas for it. He replied that he could get more for it ; and then Bishop said, that all he could get over nine guineas he might have for himself. He agreed to it, and they went from thence to the Old Bailey, and had some tea at the watering-house there, leaving Williams at the Fortune of War. After tea, they called a chariot off the stand, and drove to Bishop's house. When there, Bishop showed him the lad in a box. He put it into a sack, and brought it to thechariot, and conveyed it to 311.. Davis's, at Guy's. Mr. Davis said, r You know, John, I cannot take it, because I took two of you yesterday, and I have not got names enough down for one, or I would take it.' He then asked Mr. Davis, if he could leave the body there that night ; and he said he might. Bishop then desired Mr. Davis not to let any person have it, as it was his subject, but to deliver it to his own self. He also told Mr. Davis not to let the body go without him, or he should be money out of pocket. May then went to his own house, and slept there that night, and the next morning he went to Guy's ; and Bishop and Shields came in with a hamper, which was taken to King's College, where he was taken into custody."—Crime, plunder, drunkenness, debauchery, six nights abroad, one at home, discovery, imprisonment—and the gallows in due course, no doubt !

Williams said little, and had apparently little to say. In the absence of all direct evidence to implicate the prisoners, the 'Jury prudently re- turned a verdict, which leaves the further investigation of the affair open to the Police authorities, by whom they are still detained. The ver- dict was—" We find a verdict of wilful murder against some person or persons unknown ; and the Jury beg to add to the above verdict, that the evidence produced before them has excited very strong suspicion in their mind against the prisoners Bishop and Williams, and they trust that a strict inquiry will be made intothe case by the Police Magistrates."

ATTEMPT ON A POWERFUL YOUNG WOMAN.—As an appendix to the melancholy history of this poor deserted foreigner, the public have been amused by the penny-a-line men with another terrible story of attempted Barking, in the person of a very stout young woman. The fellows who made this attempt were evidently novices in the business ; for we have it on the authority of Mr. Appleton, "procurator" to Mr. Granger of Webb Street, who was examined at the inquest which we have just nar- rated, that when dead, the young gentlemen dissectors prefer a male to a female subject. We give the story of the attempted Barking from the Herald. " On Monday evening, about eight o'clock," says our contem- porary, with most praiseworthy particularity, " the inhabitants residing at the last house in Union Street, Somers Town, were alarmed by the violent screams of a female, proceeding from the pathway which runs through the field leading to Camden Town. The people of the house ran to the door, but it was scarcely opened when a tall and extremely powerful young woman ran past the door from the field where the scream- ing had been heard. She passed the door a few yards, slopped short,.'and asked fur a chair. She was extremely agitated, and "scarcely able to speak. A chair was brought to her; and a little brandy having been given to her, she soon recovered herself. It appeared that she had just crossed the field on the gravel-walk, and, when within thirty or forty yards of the houses, she was pinioned by one man, while another caught her up by the legs and threw her upon her back. One of the villains knelt upon her chest, and thrust something into her mouth, while the other was endeavouring to put something round her neck. She struggled. desperately with them, so much so as to extricate herself and get up. While she was screaming, the bloodhounds had thrown her a second time, and proceeded to use the same means ; but before they could ac- complish their end, they suddenly ran away. She had just escaped as she passed the door. It is supposed that some noise, the approach of some one in the field, or the movements of the lights in the house, alarmed them, and drove theinfrom their prey!" The Herald adds, by way of comment on this desperate struggle between the tall-powerful young woman and the two villains—" Their object, it cannot possibly be doubted, was to have taken her life, and that too in the most cautious manner; for no violence whatever was offered. notwithstanding her re- sistance, or liberties taken with her person ; nor did they attempt to touch a bundle she carried iu her hand." Now, with submission, we must say that the caution of these gentlemen is not quite so remarkable as our con- temporary would have us believe. Setting aside the risk in an attack on so tall and so powerful a yon Mr woman, anywhere. and more especially within thirty yards I f the sharp-ear qi mhahoaots of the last house in Union Street, Some s Town, we rather think that cautions rogues would have made free with the bundle, had it only been by way of make-believe, and to pass themselves off as common robbers. As to taking liberties with her person—really we are very great friends to constitutional liberty, but catching up a tall, powerful, and, what is more, a young woman by the legs, and throwing her on her back, and thrusting something into her mouth, and endeavouring to put something round her neck, does strike us to be quite as great a-liberty as any man could well presume to take in a public pathway. We perfectly agree with our contemporary in his closing advice : " It is to be hoped;" he says, " that the publicity of this narration—the narrow, nay the miraculous escape of this young woman —will be a warning to both sexes by night to avoid the lonely paths of the suburbs of the town." Lonely paths ought indeed to be eschewed at all times, especially by young women, and by night ; for every young woman is not tall, and every tall young woman is not powerful, and a house is not always within shrieking distance, and chairs and brandy and water are not at all times forthcoming. Putting Barking and Haring out of the question, there is a liberty in lonely paths, that no respectable young Amman, whatever be her political principles, ought to have any concern with.

RESURRECTION-MEN.—On Saturday morning- last, on the arrival of the Express coach in Carlisle from York, the police-officer in attendance no- ticed a very suspicious-looking package directed to the "Hon. Benjamin Thompson, Mail Coach-office, Carlisle," which he immediately opened, and found it enclosed the dead body of a fine boy, about fourteen years of age. The body was in a state of nudity, and appeared to have been disinterred. The youthful corpse had light hair, and had been blistered on each side of th,e head and on the back, apparently shortly before death. The remains of the youth were decently interred in St. Cuth-

bert's churchyard in the course of the day.—Carlisle Journal. . .

ALLEGED PARRICIDE.—On Wednesday, a young man named Heath was charged, at Union Hall, with the murder of his father. The facts of the case depend on the evidence of a young woman who lodges in the same house. The deceased was eighty years of age, and possessed of some property in the Funds, upon the interest of which he and his son, who is apparently about twenty-seven, lived. The house in which they resided—No. 44, Belvidere Place, King's Bench—is a common lodging-house, most of the inmates being either rulers of the King's Bench, or in some way or another connected with that prison. The de- ceased and his son occupied the back-room on the first floor in this house. On Tuesday night, at a late hour, some noise was heard in the room ; but no notice was taken of the circumstance liv any of the lodgers, as dis- putes were of frequent occurrence. A woman, however, who was on a visit to one of the lodgers who occupied a room over that in which M-. Heath and his son lived, on hearing cries of "Murder" from beneath, immediately proceeded down stairs ; and, finding Mr. Heath's room-door ajar, she pushed it open, and saw the old man and his son there, the former of whom appeared to he in great pain. The son was evidently under the influence of liquor. The old man exclaimed that he was a murdered man, and that his son had jkicked him violently upon the breast, over the heart. He caught the young woman by the wrist, and his head dropped upon her shoulder, and while reclining there, the blood issued from his nose and mouth. She also observed a wound over his right temple. The young woman, being mach alarmed, assisted the old man into the next room; she afterwards returned to that in which his son still remained ; and, on remonstrating with him, he swore that if sh did not quit the room, he would serve her in a similar manner. She immediately withdrew, and went up stairs to bed. The next morning, she was informed by a Mrs. Ward, who occupied the room into which she led Mr. Heath on the preceding night, that he was dead. The son, on being examined at the office, denied this account altogether ; he said his father was apparently well on Tuesday night, and that he found hint dead in the morning. He was quite unconscious of his hther's condi- tion. and thought he was asleep only. It appeared he had called in a medical man to examine his father. The case was remanded.

Mt:AMER.—A family of the name of earthy is located on a spot in the mountains near Ardnacrusha. The father, after having a grown family

by his first wife, married a second, which unfortunately was the cause of frequent bickering with her and the first issue. One of those, a grown lad, suspected the step-mother had given information against his brother, a deserter from the 31ith regiment, and went to the father's house on Wednesday evening, when he charged the step-mother with having done so, and from reproaches proceeded to blows. Her cries and appeal for help roused the father's passion. so that forgetting the obliga- tions of parent in the more absorbing feeling of interest for his wife, he seized a large knife, which be plunged in the body of his ill-fated son, and ripped him up the belly. The young man fell with a dreadful groan, and expired of the wound yesterday. %%lien the son shrieked, his sister flew to his assistance ; but the exasperated father, in the fury of the mo- ment, drew the knife across the girl's neck and breast, mangling her in a frightful mariner. The daughter is since under medical care, and her recovery is expected. The father and wife have surrendered themselves into the hands of the authorities.—Limerick Chronicle.

ANornen.—On Saturday, 29th ult., the body of a man, of the name of Radcliffe, was discovered lying in a lane between Burton Wood and Warrington. An inquest was held on the body the same day, but, for want of proper evidence, the court was adjourned until the following Thursday, when a verdict of wilful murder was returned against a man named Eaton. It appeared that Eaton had left his house about eight on Friday evening, having previously changed the hat which he usually wore (a white straw) for one covered with black canvass, and did not return until after ten, when he called at the house of the deceased's father and inquired if Radcliffe had been there. He was answered by a son of the deceased, and, in the course of their conversation, Eaton said that be had had a quarrel on the night previous at the Chapelhouse, and was near being thrashed : upon this the boy remarked that he had then blood upon his face, which Eaton accounted for by saying that it was occasioned by his falling over a barrow on his way to the house. On searching the house of a sister of Eaton's, which lie was in the habit of frequenting, a pitchfork was found, the prongs of which, and also the handle, were smeared with blood ; and the footmarks about where the body lay corresponded exactly with the shoes worn by Eaton. The place where the murder was committed is remarkable for its loneliness. being a dark narrow lane, nearly covered with underwood.—Liverpool Courier.