12 NOVEMBER 1853, Page 8



The English Funds at the commencement of this week exhibited renewed activity ; and, under the influence of purchases by the public, coupled with the closing of accounts by some of the speculators for a fall, Consols were done on Monday as high as 951, closing about I lower. On Tuesday they rallied to 951; but subsequently fell 3, on telegraphic information by the overland mail of the reported alliance by Russia with Dost Mahomed and Persia against Turkey. The investments since have been more limited; and the dealers were able to obtain a supply of Stock upon loan, which has changed the character of the market and rendered it more susceptible of a fall on the arrival of adverse news ; which has this week been of that nature as probably to have deterred the dissentient holdeta of the petty Stocks due is January from accepting immediate payment under discount from the Bank of England. The first application was on Tuesday, but only on an amount of. about 200W. New South Sea Annuities. On Wednesday the Eunds fell IL Consols having been 94, sellers ; owing to the news of fighting, on the Danube, and the reported declaration of war against Turkey by the gruperor of Russia : Consols closed at 94; I. Yesterday the settlement of the Account took place ; and they ranged between t,31 and 94t. Gold continues to arrive from New York : 110,0001. was received on Monday, and 100,0001. on Wednesday. Today the Funds, after a few fluctuations, close at a decline of I; Consols leaving off at for Money and 94 4 for Amount this is attributed to the announce- ment that an Imperial manifesto was published in the Journal de St. Peters- lour9 of the 1st instant, confirming the declaration of war. India Stock has improved 2 this week, and Bank Stock 1. Exchequer Bills have not altered. Foreign Securities were firm early in the week, but latterly sales have produced a reaction in some instances. An improvement has occurred in the Chilian, Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Buenos Ayres, 1; Dutch Four per Cents, ; Spanish Three per Cents, De- ferred Ditto, and Certificates, f. The decline has been Sardinian, and Vene- zuela, 1; Mexican, f. Railways have been governed in a great measure by the Consol market. on Monday an advance took place : Great Western closed 811 21 ; Lon- don and North-western, 1031 4, and Midland 64 2}. The prices of the lead- ing lines were maintained until Wednesday, when they experienced in several cases a decline of 15s. to 11. 10s. Yesterday they rallied a little ; and at the close, the difference in some of the principal shares, compared with last Saturday, was to the following extent. Increase—East Lancashire, Lancaster and Carlisle, London and South-western, Newmarket, and Nor- folk, 11.; Caledonian, Great Northern, and Great Western, 108. ; Aberdeen, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Midland, 5s. Decrease—South-eastern, 10s. The improvement in Foreign Shares has been—Paris and Rouen, 2/. ; Paris and Strasbourg, IL Se.; Luxembourg, Rouen and Havre, and Western of France, 10s. A decline in the following has occurred—Northern of France, Paris and Lyons, and Sambre and Meuse, 5s. Today there has been no alteration in the English lines. Foreign are a shade lower.


The English Funds are a little stronger this morning, in consequence of another favourable return of bullion by the Bank of England, the increase being 408,8611. Consols are now 941 for Money and 94 4k for Account. Ex- chequer Bills 2 5 premium. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing doing, and prices are nominal. In Railways there has been little disposition to deal ; the bargains at present recorded have been in the following—Ambergate, Nottingham, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 4k ; Caledonian, 54 ; North British, 28.

9 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 94 1

931 41

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 81 3 63 4 3 per Cent Reduced

9n 3

Ditto 4 per Cents 941 51 al per Cents 95 Mexican 3per Cents 251 Long Annuities 51 5-16 Peruvian 41 per Cents 71 3 Bank Stock 216 18 Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents .. 50 2 Exchequer Bills 2-5 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 India Stock 251 54 Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 Austrian 5 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 41 per Cents 98 100 Brazilian 5 per Cents 97 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 441 51 Belgian 41 per Cents 94 6 Ditto Deferred 211 2 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 2 Sardinian 5 per Cents 90 2 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 90 2