12 NOVEMBER 1892, Page 1

Paris has been greatly moved by a dynamite outrage. At

11.15a.m. on Tuesday, a messenger of the Carmaux Company, named Garin, saw outside the door of the office on a first-floor in the Avenue de l'Op6ra, a saucepan filled with whitish powder. Suspecting mischief, as the Company had been threatened, he called a policeman, who took the pan to the police-station in the Rue des Bons Enfants. The station is on the second story, just under the storehouse of M. Dentu, the great bookseller, and the men had scarcely entered when the powder exploded, shattering Garin, three policemen, and an inspector. The inspector lived a few moments, but the others were torn to atoms, the violence of the explosion being such as to create a momentary vacuum round the men's bodies, which the air between their skin and clothes rushed to fill, thus stripping the men in an instant quite naked. The doors were blown out, heavy pieces of stone were pulverised, and, but for the

unusual strength of the walls, which are 18 in. thick, the floor above would have come down. Careful investigation seems to prove that the powder employed was dynamite mixed with a fulminate, and ttat it was fired by a time-fuse. No trustworthy evidence has been received as to the assassins, but opinion accuses the regular Anarchists of Paris, who employed as their agent a woman, who had been observed on the premises in the Avenue de POpera. The police suspect persons at Carmaux of complicity.