12 NOVEMBER 1898, Page 2

It seems pretty certain that the German Emperor is to

pay a visit to Cadiz on his return journey, a decision which a Spaniard has described to the Daily News' correspondent in Paris as being like "mustard after meat. He goes to show sympathy for Spain without committing himself to an un- friendly act against the United States." Meantime the Kaiser has visited Damascus and reviewed the Turkish garrison, being much impressed by the " fantasia " executed by Bedouin horsemen. He has, we are glad to learn, very properly shown his resentment of the treatment of the allies in Crete by refusing to receive Djevad Pasha, who was Governor there when the massacres occurred. The tour, in short, has not been wanting in incidents, though the wonder is they have been so few. The most serious embarrassment has grown out of the acquisition of the piece of land on Mount Zion known as the "Dormition de la Sainte Vierge." Whether the Sultan gave or sold it to the Kaiser is immaterial ; the facts remain that the owner refused to sell it as it was wakf, and only surrendered it to force; that the concession has greatly exasperated the orthodox Moslems, who regard it as an act of sacrilege ; while the French look upon the episode as an aggressive encroachment on the claim of France to exercise a protectorate over the Roman Catholics in the East.