12 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 12

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—The letter of

"Palestina " on this matter, which appeared in your last issue, was evidently written before the question on it was put in the House of Lords by Lord Sydenham and answered so fully and effectively on behalf of the Colonial Office by the Duke of Sutherland. I therefore trust you will permit me to direct the attention of your readers to that reply, which appeared in the principal daily papers on November 3rd, and can be found in extenso in the House of Lords Report. A perusal of the Duke of Sutherland's speech will show that the various anti-Zionist allegations and innuendoes contained in your correspondent's letter are utterly misleading and un- founded. In his attempt to show that the Administration ei Palestine exercises partiality towards the Jewish community —an attempt that fails since the allegation is quite ground- less—" Palestina " overlooks the action of the Government in restoring to the Moslem community " the revenues of the Khaski Sultan Wakf, and, certain other Wakfs of minor portance, which were unjustly taken by the Turkish Govern- ment and amalgamated with the general revenues of the

country " (Speech of the High Columissioner for Palestine, Jane 3rd last).

In one and the same paragraph your correspondent refers to the Zionist Commission and speaks of the affairs of the Greek Church as being under the control of "the Commission." The unsuspecting reader will naturally conclude that the affairs of the Greek Church have been put under the control of the Zionist Commission, and will be astonished. It is a pity, there- fore, that your correspondent did not make it clear that the Commission that is meant is the Commission of Financial Control, which was appointed for the specific purpose by the High Commissioner, and with which the Zionist Commission had absolutely not the least connexion. The gratuitous allega- tion of Palestina " that " the agents of the Zionist Com- mission exist in every department of the Administration, and have access to the most secret documents," is a figment of your correspondent's fancy without the least vestige of foundation.

—I am, Sir, dec., ISRAEL COHEN. Zionist Organization Central Office,

77 Great Russell Street, W.C. 1.