12 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 25

WORKS OF REFERENCE.—Burke'a Landed Gentry of Great Britain, edited by

A. Winton Thorpe (Burke Publishing Co., £6 6s. net), reappears in a thirteenth edition, which is much to be commended for its comprehensiveness and its accuracy. Since the last edition appeared, before the War, there have been many changes in • the landed gentry. Thirty-five families have been transferred to the peerage, sixty-five have disappeared, and two hundred have been entered for the first time in this record. The editor's methods of selection are not so clear as they might be. We notice, in turning over the pages, the name of one " estate " which is, in truth, a factory in very unlovely surroundings, though ninety-one years ago, when the first edition of this book appeared, it was doubtless a pleasant rural retreat.—The Annual Charities Register and Digest (Longmans and The Charity Organization Society, 7s. 6d. net) is the thirtieth edition of the most authoritative work on the subject. The introduction, as usual, reviews the finances of London charities, whose turnover for the year 1919—apart from mis- sionary and other religious institutions—was £10,880,441. The cost of management, where it could be ascertained, was rather more than 10 per cent. of the gross income.