12 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 16

THE AVIATION BOOM [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Only

since leaving England have I seen Mr. Norman.. Thwaites' letter on this subject in your issue of October lst; In it he states : " The air mails of the U.S.A. pay their way.": The latest official figures are for the year ending June 30th? 1926, and are given by a high authority in a recent number'. (August or September) of the U.S. Naval Institute Proceeding's as inVolving a loss by the U.S. Post Office Of approximately' £400,000. He also states-that in the U.S. all air lines carrying mails receive a subsidy in some form or other.

It being essential in the public interest that the truth about aviation shobld be known, I hope that, although late, you will be able to publish this letter.—I am, Sir, &c., W. H. HENDERSON (Admiral, retired).

At Sea, October 31st, 1927. - '