12 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 51

REDEEMED. By R. B. Cunninghame Graham. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)— Impeccable

literary craftsmanship, reflecting the sensitive personality of a much travelled, weary, and disillusioned man, characterizes this little volume of tales, sketches, and essays. Mr. Graham's outlook, with its detesta- tion Of our urban civilization, is, -perhaps, most fully repre- sented in the title-sthry, which describes, with restrained yet bitter satire, the changes wrought in an Alpine village by the late War and the subsequent building of a tourist hotel. There are pictures of many lands, including a particularly vivid one of life on the sun-scourged Llanos. We are given a character sketch of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, and in another chapter Mr. Graham recalls rather eerily the reflections that filled his mind as he followed the body of Joseph Conrad to the grave.