12 NOVEMBER 1937, Page 2

Danzig_ Over a week ago Herr Forster, the Nazi leader

and virtual ruler of Danzig, announced that the " Free City " would be completely assimilated to Germany ; and indeed Danzig is already in fact a completely National Socialist city. In all but form ; for the League's representatives have indicated that a change of flag would constitute a " flagrant violation " of the city's constitution. Such a protest may well seem futile after the real liberties of the city have long been violated. The only real obstacle to National Socialist policy is the Polish population in Danzig, who now fear their rights also will be violated. Differences on this question have already arisen between Poland and Germany. This week a decree was issued proclaiming an amnesty for political prisoners which by its form excludes the great majority, abolishing all parties except the National Socialist, and making membership of the Hitler Youth obligatory for children. With this decree the history of the "-Free City " comes to a close ; it marks the end of the League's authority in yet another sphere. And it is to be feared that the worst effects of Nazi rule are yet to come ; for some weeks the Jews in Danzig have been suffering savage persecution, but Herr Forster has promised that the new era shall be marked by further measures which will reduce them to the condition of the Jews in Germany.

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