12 NOVEMBER 1965, Page 40



256. H. VETTER

(Deutsche Schachzeitung, July 1965) BLACK (2 men) WHITE (5 men)

WHITE to play and mate in two moves ; solution next week. Solution to No. 255 (Hicks) : Kt-Q 4, no

threat. I . . . Kt moves ; 2 Kt-B 6 (set R x Kt).

. . P-K 6 ; 2 Kt (4)-B 3 (set P-B 4). r. . . P-B 5; 2 Q--Kt 7 (set Q-Kt 5). I . . . K x Kt ;

Q-B 6. Very pleasant mutate with an excellent key.

Recently the Deutsche Schachzeitung reprinted a story by Tartakower-perhaps the cleverest and cer- tainly the most entertaining of all the pre-war masters -about Alekhine. It is worth another reprint.

Playing blindfold, Alekhine took on two amateurs, one with White, one with Black : they set out to get 50 per cent by making Alekhine play himself-each waited for Alekhine to move on the other board, and then copied the move on his own. The games began :

P-K 4

2 P-434.4

3 Kt-- B3

4 P-B 3

5 B-QB 4 6 B xP

7 Q Kt-Q 2 8 Q x 8 P-(113 9 Kt-Kt 5 Kt- 3

ro 0-0 0-0 ir P-B 4 Px P.

What would have happened had Alekhine continued to play himself is anyone's guess, but here he played

12 R x P, and this apparent blunder was too much for the other player of White who, seeing a vision of too per cent not 5o per cent, now played 12 Qx BP. The sequels were:

P-Q B 4 Px P P-K 4 Px P Px P B-Kt 5 ch B x Kt ch

A. Alekhine v. Mr. X

Q x Kt Q-B 4 ch r2 . Q x Q??; r3 R xP d.ch, 8 mate.

KtxR 6 ch, etc. PxB Kt-B 3 16 . . B-Q 2; 17 R x 11-K 1; z9 Q x Kt P.

R x R B-Kt 5 K-R R-Q B r Kt-R 4 ta xn Kt-Kt 3

R-13 3? A blunder in a lost position. Resigns Another piece is lost.

rz Q x BP

• R-B 2 Kt x Kt; 15 B x Kt mate.

14 Kt x B P • B x Kt ch r6 R-K B 17 B x Kt

• QxP Now, however, R x 15, Q-K 7 the rook.

. . .

RxB R-B r!

R-Q B 2oQxB?, RXB.


21 8-B 7 22 -B 8 ch 23 Resigns . . . Alas, after 23 Q x12 ch, R x it is illegal to play R x R mate. A very long spoon was needed when supping with Alekhine. I2 RxP 13 RxP

K-R ; 14 R-Kt

• B-Q 1St • • • K-R I ; 16 R-Kt

• BxQ z6 R-K B

R xR; 18 Q-Q 5,

17 RxKt

• Q-Q 5 .ro QxRch 20 Q x Q Kt P 21 P-K R 3

22 Q-R 6 23 PxB

24 QxP 25 Q-Kt 7

Meanwhile . .

B. Mr. Y v. Alekhine

03 R-B 2 ch??, Q x B. Q XK B?; 15 R xP ch,

Q-Kt 3 ch Kt-Q 2 13 ...Kt-B 3?; 14 Kt x B ch, K-R r; x6 B XP ch, K xB; 17 Q-B ti

Kt x Kt K-R r Kt-K 4!


B-Kt 5 x8 . . R xB??; 19 Q-K 8 ch.

13 is threatened. . . . Better 19 K-12 x unpinning

B-K 7! B-R