12 OCTOBER 1839, Page 10


Sr ,Pit ExcrIANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNo0X. The attention of the members of the Stock Exchange has been painfully ex- cited during the week, by the perpetration of a gross fraud, by an individual, who for a period of twenty-two ye.irs had maintained a respectable character. On Monday last, Mr. WILLIAM TAvr.on, of Pope's llead Alley, in his capa- city of broker. purchased :5,000 Three per Cent. Consols for Money, of the Messrs. MonTimmi, who are jobbers or dealers in Stock; and after having given a check in the usual nrumer, called upon Messrs. 'Atonal:mien to refrain from paying it in, till the next day ; stating that as he had received a check upon a banker at the We,t-end of the town -from his principal, he would not be in funds to meet his own draft till the following day. The sellers refused the accommodation souebt by the broker, hut offered to take his principal's check in payment. Th.: broker then confessed, that he had no check to give, having received the neeessaiy funds in advance from his principal and wed them in some other manner. A distringas was innnediately put upon time Stock; and the question (16 to who is to be the sufferer by the brokers delin- quency, will be settled in a court of law. In the mean time, time broker has ab- sconded. 'We have tl.ought it desirable to particularize the delinquent, to avoid confounding him with another broker of the same name. The improvement which we noticed as haying taken place in the state of money during the latter part of last week, has continued ; and there is now an anxiety for the employment of capital at the current rate of interest, instead of, as formerly, a holding leLek for better terms. There has been no material improvement in the price of Public Securities; but the Consol Market has been firma, aril the tendency during the week upwards. This morning, when the favouraide retort f of rev,litte hccable known, a momentary impulse was given to the mar •et ; but a large supply of Money Stock has been thrown upon it, and it has given way slightly. Lxcliequer Bills have improved, and have been done at par, while IC0/. and 260/. bills are quoted as high as Gs. prem. No considerable improvement in these Securities can be antici- pated while the present rate of interest for money continues ; especially as the demand for them, cur ',lotted by the necessity of providing for the instalments upon the Scrip of the recent funding, has nearly ceased ; for there is not more than 600,000/. Scrip in existence, the rest having been all paid up. The instalments due upon the Scrip do not amount to more than 60 per cent. ; the wholn amount. therefore, of Exchequer Bills that can now be taken out of the market by the operation of paying it up, (even should the holders be totally unprovided with Exchequer Bills,) will not exceed 360,000/. The arrival of the remittances to which we last week alluded, by the Great 'Western steamer, has tended materially to better the appearance of the Money- market. The uneasiness felt by the holders of American Securities seems to have considerably diminished, and there has been some traffic in the shares of the Bank of the United States. These shares had improved to 20/., at which rate there were buyers : the market has since flattened, and is to-day rather lower; during the last week these shares were at 191. to 19*/. All the Stocks the dividends upon which have just become due, are open to-day for private' transfer.

Iii tbe Foreign Market, the business has been very limited. There has been no material variation in the Northern European, or any of the Dividend-payiee Stocks. Time merely speculative Bonds—Spanish, Portuguese, and Sout American—have all felt the change in the value of money, and are at improved prices, all of them being at an advance of nearly 1 per cent, upon our last quotations. There has not, however, been any thing remarkable in the opera- tions, which, as we before stated, have been more limited than in any one week since the recent revival of the speculative mania.


There has been but little business this morning in the English Funds; Coe. sols opened at 96, buyers for Account, but are uow sellers at that price. India Stock is quoted at 181 and 181i ex. div. Exchequer Bills have been done at par. In time Foreign Market, the only business of importance has occurred in Spanish Stock, which has been the subject of some fluctuation; the opening price was 3IA 4, but sonic large purchases forced the market up to 311. for Money and 314 for the next Account. This improvement, however, brought in seller31 and the price has si lice fallen to 311, for Money and 314 for the 31st. Columbian Bonds maintain the advance of yesterday, being 34 4; Mexican arc 321 3, and Peruvian IS 19. Some surprise was created a few days ago by the appear. once in the newspapers of an advertisement of the cancelling and deposition in the Bank of England of au amount of 40,000/. Three-per-Cent. Portuguese Bonds ; another advertisement of the same nature has appeared to-day, giving the numbers of -23,000 of the same description of Stock, also cancelled. It appears these amounts were received in part payment of a loan to the extents( 14,000 Contos, or 330,000/., raised by the Ministry at Lisbon ; and that a fur. then cancelling of 20,000/. Five-per-Cent. 1837 will be the result of this operation.


The Consol Market closes an 4 per cent, higher than in the morning. the price both for Money and Account being 904 91. Little business, however, has been transacted during the afternoon. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been chiefly confined to Spanish and Portuguese Bonds. A report of the arrival of an express bringing intelligence of the adoption by the Cortes of the last plan for the arrangement of the question of the Fueros has caused an improvement in the Active Bonds, which close at 314 4 for Money, and 314 4 for the next Account. The Portu- guese are also higher, and the Five per Cents. may be quoted at 371 I, while the Three per Cents. are 251 it. Columbian have declined to 334, while Mexican are unchanged, viz. 324 33.

3 per Cent. Consols 901

Ditto for Acceunt 901 4

aver Cent. Reduced.. ex die. 891 4 New 38 per Cent. Anus. 984 g. Bank Stock ex div. 1814 India Stock Ditto Bonds

Exchequer Bills 2 dim, pal Belgian 5 per Cents. 1024' iii Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents

Portuguese Regency Spec Cts

Ditto 3 per Cents Russian (1822) 5 per Cent

Spanish (1535) 5 per Cent

Deferred Stock Paisive Ditto 721 31 73 4 53;1 4 374 251 1 1101 1111 311 1 141 !1

74 Si