12 OCTOBER 1839, Page 11

'1'11E .111111V.

WAu-Orructs. (u.it. 11.-1st iniseisi is (5ss•-ii!, us C. c. to tn. Cerlit.r, by purchase, vice I lawkes, priono.,1, ;: 1,1oht Drauoolis-- Lieut.-Cot. It. front hal6pay unattached, to he Dew, c. it. Curt-ton. trout the 16Ih Light I. I.) Loring.

who retires. 9;1i Light I't ri e.

P. B. Williams, who retires; CC.1111.1 I.!!. .1,L. !.y %)ce Spit •

tiswoode; llon. 11. to be C.. r...et. purelms,., .vice C!:, e. 1 1th 1,igin

Drags.—Lieut. .1. it. Forrest to be C. 1.y pi:rehase. mice it (•- • "he refire& ; Coruet J. W. Brotherton to be I.ient. y 1'.1rchase, Viet, Forrest; II. 11.irrison. ((vim. to be (ortiet hy purchase. vice Boll-it.m. 1511I Light 11. Routh to be Paymaster. N.50 l%titipbell, wplaevt trim' ap.— Capt. A. C. Lowe to be Ntajor. by 3,1141: Drit.N.; Lieut. W. Wilmer to be Capt. I p•uviza.-•, •.• 5. .1 .5. P. Srvith to

his JAm-ut. is purchase, vivo Wilmer: Cer•,et TI. D. •-ii.•15...5`• 15 • '••• 1.ivul • hv r:r• ague, %VIM retires: 11.144% I ;Mit. W1,0001.1101. %leo tiontit;

A. Need, Gent. to be l'ornet. by purchase. vice SWele1111:1111. • 1.uut—Lieut. ti. . Butler to he Capt. without purchase, Niet. ; 1.11tign T. Galeiti..it.

be Lieut. vice 11,111vr 5 Ellaigu 1. Brennan, from the 0 t., he Ensign. %It Gaisford. h Foot and Ad I. II. NV i. 0 o the imik 36th Foot—lir., et 1,ient.-Col. A. Clariie to 1.1..1. 1 y .1. ,use, vice Coon' boll, who relives: capt. 0. 11. D. 0. Napier to I:' M Is vire Clarke; Lieut. G. 1.. Wharton to be ("apt. 1..y purchase, Viet' z lins50) A. F. arome to be I,ieut, by purchase vice Wharton; P. Ii. li.ekuell. Gel.t to be Ensign. by chase, vice vice Bionic. 48th Foot—G. D. Pitt, lieut. to be 1:tibi6n, without purchase, vice

Huttot, decetise3. '19th Foot-'-Eiiiign D. Midden' to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sey-

Whollenttest ,W. 'Genh to be Ensign, by purehase, mee• NI:Ad9at. 49th. poot-Eivaga William Fulton to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vieo Wider, Wito'retiri,s; Charles T. Wilson, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vies Ftalten. 64th Foot-Capt. L. M. Benni•tt, fronetbe halfpay of the 90th Foot, Mix" Capt. vice - E; Mandeville, who exeltangks; W. Parker. Gent, to be Ensign, 'Without purchase, vice Brennan, appointed to the 22d Foot. 67th Foot-Ensigu C. Coupe to be Lieut. bytpui6hase,•Viee •MadoX, who retiree; R. M. Ifularey, Gent, to be Ensign, by pur- chase, Uiee Coupe. . '77th Foot- 0. a: Warrington, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, viee Sweteuham, appointed to the 96th Regt., 88th Foot-Lieut. II. Townsheisiltu be Cap*: hs purchase, vice Cells, who retires ; Ensign J. De Courcy Linn, to lie Lieut. by rarreharre, vice Townehend; J. B. Johnson, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, *ice fAffan.

Brevet.-Capt. L. M. Bennett, of the 64th Foot to be Major in the Army. Hoipltal Staff. -To be Assist-Surgeons to the Forces -P. W. Grant, M.D., vice

Attneeley. appointed to the 61st Foot; A. Omer, M.D., vice Dowell, who resigns. OFFICE Or ORDNANCE, Oct. 10.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Major•Geu. Sir J. U. Cam-

crime to be COL-Commandant, site Sir J. Maclean, deceased.