12 OCTOBER 1839, Page 6

Several Chartists of Manchester and the neighbourhood have been committed

to prison on charges of sedition.

The Board of Ordnance have forwarded a large number of cutlasses in leather sheaths to Sheffield, for the purpose of permanently arming the police of this town. The arms the policemen have been wearing have been borrowed from a neighbouring town.--SlogSield Irk

Three wheat-stacks, three hay-stacks, and three cottages, on Mr. R. Saxby's farm at Wesel:se, ia Sasses, were destroy ea by an incendiary on Thursday seunight.

On Friday last, thieves broke into the residence of Mr. Sanders, a sur- geon, in Islington Bow, Birmingham. They drank a quantity of Wine, carried off some inamy, alal set fire to the premises. They had packed up articles ready m i.e taken away, when they were disturbed and decamped.

A man was committed to prieoa at Liverpool, on Friday, for stabbing another in a fight. It i- sell that " the crime of stabbing in Liverpool has fearfully increased."

Henry Burgess, colleemr of the paving and lighting rates at Ux- bridge, has decamped, having embezzled money he had received from the inhabitants.

About three weeks since. a perty of cavalry, Who had been training at the Meidstone depot, were despatched to join their respective regi- ments. On reachiug Wroiham, on their road to London, they got drunk, drew their swords, and by their disgraceful conduct caused great terror in that usually quisi village. The Reverend George

Moore, a Ma,!istrate, .eet for, and expostulated with the troopers. Whiret he N: opeith.i.g, one of the fellows fired a pistol off behind him. As the reverend gentleman has ouly one lip, although possessed of several livings, he turned in alarm to ascertain from which this report had proceeded ; eed at that instant a carbine was fired again behind him. The w,:apors ....... only loaded with blank-cartridge, but the reverend gentiv:i.an con d it. wise to quit such dangerous com- pany unceremoniott‘ly a I at'1.4y used fearful threats against any person who should n empt t n,;.1 rehend them, an express was sent off for military assistance from Maidstone, and the fellows proceeded on

their roate. A e.,:t w...: sent from Maidstone, and brought

them back front Etc. 1:11. They have been since tried by a Court- martial, and the semeeees were read on Monday. One corporal and two privates were acquitted, tut were ordered to walk to their regi- ments—leading their horses! Corporals Brown, 11.14Dermot, and Couto, were broken, and sentenced to it term of imprisonment ; the latter punishment being also awarded to Irivates Easom and Killday.—Mid- stone Gazette.