12 OCTOBER 1839, Page 9



Ou the 2d inst., at Bishop's Caundle, the Lady or Sontavimat Dom, Esq., of a sou. On the 50t inst., in Whitehall Place, Lady HENRIK, Or a dalliilltrr.

On the 8th inst., at the Willows, Upper Touting, the Wife ot Colonel Srsovsn, of a sun.

flu the 5th inst., at Maury, the Lady or the WV. hues GALLOWAY, or a daughter On the 27th September, at Venice, the Lady of MP WWII HECTOR TESTAFERIIATA ABELA, of a daughter. On the 101h inst., the Wife of DAVID BURNES, Esq., surgeon, &c. of Veroon MICE, Bleomsbury Square, or a daughter. On the 18th ,of June, at Ilineo!tre, the Lady of NA. Woons, D D.. surgeon Madras tstablishment, attached to hinlighuess the Nizam's army, or a daughter.


On the 2,11114.. at Boldon. Durham. CALVERLEY, C11109t SOU of time Rey. Calverley john Bewieke, of Hallaton Hall, Leicestershire, to AMELIA, youngest datighter ot the Rev. W. J. Hollingsworth. Rector of Hatton. • On the 25th nit., at Ilillborough, the Rev. C. CHUICIIII.G.BABTUOLOMEW, to Parttry

Tatarrats, second daughter of the Bev. John Dulignott, Rueter of Hilibortaigh, "Sur- folk.

Out the 5th inst., at Trinity Church, Upper Chelsea, tho Catholic Ceretnot4 having

been previously performed, Vicomte De Crmassnors. to GRACE, third daughter of the late Jan Maitland, Esq., of Eccles, In the county of Dumfries. On the 7th inst., M. JULES Ammon, of Nice, to Emmy, eldest daughter of A. A: Goltismid. Es9.. of Cavendish Square. Oil the 8th mg., the Rev. ROBERT Rows Rom, B.A.. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to DARRIOT ANNE, second daughter of the late Robert Child, Esq., or Russell Scrim On the 10th inst., at Clteshunt Church, Rummel) AltABIN, Esq.. only SOU 01 Mr. Sers geant Arabia, of Hiehbetich, to Mar./tarn' Marty. eldest daughter of hir Henry Meta, of Theohald's Park, Herts.


'r,On the 8th inst., at Prior Park, Ashby-de-ht-Zouch,the Viscountess Tastwoirnr. Iri her 41st year.

On the 10th inst., at her house in Park Square, the Dowager Lady Baosrocx, Widow

of the late Admiral Lord littdstock. • On the 5th inst., at his seat, Stanley Hall, Shropshire, Sir THOMAS Jourr Trawnerr JONES, Bart., in his 46th year. - On the 5th lust., the WV. RICHARD CONSTABLE, Vicar Of COWfOld, SUSSCE, iU 1118 84th year.

Ott the 9th ittet., in his Rd year, Gkonoz Scuor.sv, Esq.. of Clapham Common, and Hutton Hall, Essex; thirty-four years Alderman of the Ward of Dowgate. At the Chateau of Pontchartrain, near Paris, Limit.-General Viscount HOsaoso, in his 84th year. On thi 3d inst., at Bolden Rectory, Durham, the Rev. NATIIANIEL JOHN liorddstos- wowra, M.A.. Rector of Boldon.