12 OCTOBER 1839, Page 9



The Continental newspapers received this morning supply little news of importance ; but the Paris correspondent of the Tunes gives the following statement respecting the progress of a negotiation between England and Russia on the subject of Turkey-- • • The despatches from London, received by the French Government dnring. this week, state that M. de Brunow has, since his arrival in the British capi- tal, removed nearly every point in dispute between the British and Rowan Governments. My informant pledges himself that the Russian diplomatist has even convinced Lord Palmerston of the necessity. for Russian interferenth on behalf of the Porte, should Mehemet Ali proceed to extremities, and has even obtained the consent of your Government for the expediting a Russian army to Constantinople, should Ibrahim make a step in advance, as no other means to control the populace or the disaffected would be at haud, or were available for the Sultan's Government."

On the other hand, the Paris correspondent of the Morning.Chronias says- 1. The general rumour in diplomatic circles here is that the mission of M. de Brunow to London has failed, and that his proposals to the British Gd- vernment have been rejected."